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Marilyn L Martin

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Re: Panda Pointers--Inviting Friends
8/27/2007 5:57:46 PM

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Hi Mary....sorry! Yes, I am guilty as charged...I copied and pasted into each forum, but I did say nice things though! Doesn't that make up for it?? :( I promise to never do that again.
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointers--Inviting Friends
8/27/2007 6:47:43 PM
Hello Marilyn, Your apology is accepted. However, let's use it as a learning experience. If the person did not know you well---let's say a new person. You had a copy and paste reply to several forums in a row. Your pop up shows on the screen and new person looking for friends would think 1)there's someone active here--I'll invite her to be on my friends list 2) She posts the same thing everywhere she posts, probably she wouldn't much care to take time to get to know me. Pop Ups tell alot about us and attract or distract from our ability to gain friends. Here's more information about popups. It's like leaving the blinds open so that people can see inside our house. We would all look our best in the presence of company. Well Marilyn, thanks for being a set up here. All mistakes are just opportunities to continue learning. Thank goodness you didn't agree to spam this forum. That would make people really worried about having you on their friends list.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointers--Inviting Friends
8/27/2007 6:53:10 PM
OK back to the original question. Which invitation is good and which is a turn off. Lorraine talked about the one with the adverts. What about the others. Be carefull, one of those is a definite set up that no one has caught. Let's hear more comments from everyone
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: Panda Pointers--Inviting Friends
8/27/2007 7:08:36 PM

HI Mary,

I am glad that I could help you by being a "Poster Child" for a minute! I agree with you 100% of course. People do not like to see someone posting the same thing over and over everywhere for a number of different reasons. There are 2 reasons that you mentioned here, but I can think of a couple more along those same lines.

Spamming is another issue! It is also very irritating to all to have 20 emails from the same person posting about the same thing. I know my email box fills up enough with stuff without having to get alot of spam from one person. Not only can that cause you a hard time to make friends, it can cause someone to lose many friends as well.

Keep up the great job you are doing with these posts Mary...they are educational and helpful to our newcomers, and some things are good reminders to our veterans here as well.

Take care and God Bless You Hon,

Love Marilyn

Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Diane Bjorling

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Re: Panda Pointers--Inviting Friends
8/27/2007 7:24:43 PM
Good evening Mary:

Inviting a friend  to me should always be personal, therefore my style would be number 3.  My reasoning is as follows:
When a person reads our profile, we are in effect marketing us as representatives of our business.
Integrity driven marketing, whther it be business as well as friendships is very much a relationship.  It takes time to build.  Finding things in common is friendly as well as creating  a common ground to start sharing our various businesses and see if they compliment eachother. Both parties will find success this way.
Jumping in with "hi i am so and so and here is my business" is rather abrupt and some might say even spam. 
I can only speak for myself on this. 

thank-you for letting me share my viewpoint.

Peace and light to you
