Hello Everyone,
I have been very busy and not online at all for a few days. I just had a huge garage sale to raise some money for the vet bills that are getting really huge right now.
Sierra is doing ok for the most part. She doesn't seem to be in pain yet. She is still eating well and getting around fine, except when she first gets up from sleeping.....she is very still and limps alittle. She does sleep alot more now.
She has 3 lumps on her belly and between her back legs that are getting bigger and have split open. They bleed alittle now and then. I clean them daily and she gets Pills daily and her Insulin shots for her Diabetes.
Foxy has been doing fine. Just stressed out from all the commotion going on in the yard from the garage sale. She is scared of most men. She was badly abused by a large man with a bull whip before I took her into my family.
Ms. Ratakins, my very old female rat is still getting around, eating, drinking and begging for treats. She still climbs her cage for treats and attention, but her tumors are getting alittle bigger and she is losing weight. I also noticed that she is losing some use in her right back foot.
I will write more about some of my other Critter Family another day. I am working right now and need to get other things done.
I just wanted to Thank you all for your Prayers and Invitations to become friends. I really do appreciate it all.
I will keep you all posted every few days on what is going on.
Ms. Laurie Konscak