Receive the best discounts and lowest prices on Xooma’s products for your own personal use. And as long as you have a minimum monthly order of $25 of Xtreme X2O you’ll remain “active” in our Company and continue to enjoy all of Xooma’s products at wholesale prices.
Basic Business Owner As a “Basic Business Owner” you’ve made the decision to start your own Xooma business in addition to getting the best discounts and lowest prices on Xooma’s products. By choosing this option you commit to purchasing and/or selling between $25 - $100 of X2O (and other Xooma products) each month. You’ll automatically receive your business position in our Team Matrix Compensation Plan and have the potential to earn additional income through the Sponsor Tree Compensation Plan. This option works best for people who want to start out a little slower or for those who may not have the ability to be “active” in their business at least 10 hours per week. 
Fast Start Executive (Our most popular option) As a “Fast Start Executive” you’re not only getting the best discounts and lowest prices on Xooma’s products, you’re serious about building a strong and profitable Xooma business. By choosing this option you commit to purchasing and/or selling at least $125 of X2O (and other Xooma products) each month. You’ll start your business with one of Xooma’s money-saving Fast Start Packages and automatically activate your business positions in all 3 of our main compensation plans: the UniLevel Bonus, Sponsor Tree, and Team Matrix. In addition, you’ll be eligible for all future Fast Start Bonuses within your organization. This option is ideal for people who want to earn money as fast as possible and have the ability to be “active” in their business 10 - 15 hours per week.