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Flag of Carla Carey

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Re: Your Concerns are founded!
8/19/2007 3:54:35 PM

THanks everyone, I Enjoy the posts!
Have a good day :)

PS keep em coming !
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Flag of Bj Burgess

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8/19/2007 3:57:28 PM

Hi Carla

I don't think it should matter whether you are a paying member or a free member.  I think all members should be treated the same.  But, that is up to the friends you choose and you have here.

Some of the so called friends, are just a number to them.  They see the numbers climbing, and they get excited.

Alot of the members who have friends you never see in the forums.  They never visit or post.  This is really no ones fault, maybe we as veterans should try to make them feel more welcome.

For a veteran to want to leave, there must be something that has upset them.  And unless you know what it is personally, I can't see where you can help them and change their mind.

I think each and every member should be treated the same, with respect, regardless of what they post or comment in someone forums. (unless they get down right ugly, like being attacked)  But alot of people make a comment/post in a forum, and they get attacked for the way they feel.  That's not what it's all about.

I mean take politicians, or religion.  Each has their own belief's, and I would not argue to the other that they are wrong.  They have their beliefs, and I have mine.  I respect them for that, and don't try to put them down for it.

If I make a post, that someone disagrees on, I just tell them "thank you for coming by and leaving your comments".  I don't Ask them, "why do you feel like that, well, your just jealous, yada yada's all bull crap to be treated like that. 

I had an opinion on a forum here. I made a statement, of how I felt,  and I was accused of being sore loser, which was actually funny.  But, no, things like that doesn't bother me.
I know how I feel, and if I can't make a statement of how I feel, without being attacked or looking like an idiot,  then I see no need to say anything, period.  I just don't go back to that forum.  And if they can't understand this, then they were never a friend in the first place.

Being friends here means more to me, than being the best friend, the best person, the best forum maker, the best anything.  I'm just me, take it or leave it.  And if someone gets to feeling they are being treated anyother way, then I would see why they would want to leave.

I'll be around for a while, I just stay away from the So-Called friends, and stay with the real friends that I have.  And it's not hard to tell who's friends to who around here.  When you see the post going in a particular forum, and see who frequents those forums.  You just know. And I think it's great.  But unless someone verbally attacks me, I don't see any reason to put someone down for their beliefs.

I'm not sure this is what you are looking for, but who knows, this is one situation that has happened, and who knows who it may run off the next time.

It won't be me, I'm stronger than that, and a better person for it.








Flag of Lisa Simpkins

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8/19/2007 4:08:42 PM

Hi Carla,

Thank you for inviting me.

I believe Adland needs to up date and improve some tool features for those who cannot afford up-grade.

There should be a forum made to voice your opinions,make suggestions for Adland etc.

There are a lot of people here and it would be hard to satisfy all,but if we work as a team we can accomplish this.

I feel some of the older members should build these forums with a list of ideas for the entire community.


What do you think about a conference room for Adland?

Should Adland have a Blog?

Adland should have a GROUPS section or not?

These additional feature will not only help keep people here but bring people into Adland.

Just my opinion!


Flag of Monica S

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8/19/2007 4:27:39 PM

Hello Carla,

Without knowing the real reason that the person wants to leave, no one can do anything about it.

Also, alot of people just "say" they are leaving, in order to get attention for themselves.

One thing is for sure, when you are dealing with people online, you cannot wear your heart on your sleeve.

In my opinion, Adland is filled with terrific individuals who make this an amazing Community.

True enough, there are some that let things go to their heads and post continually of their every step in life,  in hopes of recognition from all of Adland.. (this would be my #1 complaint..)

And true enough, there are some who fill our pm's with Spam..(my 2nd complaint.. lol)  but you learn by just looking at the subjects of the Email notification or PM, and all it takes is one click of a Delete button.. :)

There are a lot of us that love Adland, and will never leave... but I guess there are some who think or feel otherwise..? And we can't force them to stay..

Good Luck with your friend, Carla! :)




P.S. Thanks Bj, for directing me here..

Flag of Angela Cardwell

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8/19/2007 4:41:22 PM

HI Carla,

I know what you mean. I've known some pretty neat people to leave also. Especially because of the spam.

One thing I always remind people of is that you can go to your personal settings (under profile account) Near the bottom there is a box you can check to "stop recieving message alerts" or something similar. You can opt not to recieve any messages, even forum invites, if you need a break. Then, simply log in to check mail, or visit your favorite forums.

Checking personal mail on Adland is just like anywhere else. Go by the subject to decide if you want to read it. If it looks like spam, simply delete.

No matter where you go, there is going to be spammers. Many don't even know that they are doing something that they shouldn't. I enjoy the features here. Even though I don't have time to visit the forums all the time. I still use most of the features available to me.

Good luck and I hope you get some good ideas today,


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