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Re: DANGER - Security Warning
8/17/2007 10:36:58 AM

Thank Robert,

if I don t know the people who send me an email I never open this email. And I hope everybody can do the same.


Re: DANGER - Security Warning
8/17/2007 10:55:17 AM


Yes i have received many of these and having opened up a couple and getting a Trojen Virus I just delete. Why do we have these very clever but stupid idiots attacking our privacy. It does bug me and obviously concerns me the fact that someone may be wanting to use my personal info. I think my PC is pretty well defended withanti virus and anti spyware, but I am always open to new ideas/products etc.

The more P[eople that are aware of these attcks the better and I am staring to promote not only my Adland Site but also the following which I have found is a great way of building up new Contacts and Friends, and of course spreading useful information. Try the following :-


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Flag of Joyce Sanders

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Re: DANGER - Security Warning
8/17/2007 11:52:11 AM

Hi all,

Here is a good site to scan your computer for free and it is quick to scan and delete viruses.  It's works.


Panda has developed new online detection tools: NanoScan and TotalScan (  


Both are much more powerful and faster than ActiveScan. The first, NanoScan (, is a very powerful online scanner that will tell you whether there are active viruses on your PC in less than a minute.  


The second, TotalScan, allows you to scan your PC for all types of active and latent viruses. Both can detect over 1,000,000 viruses, and this number is growing by the minute.


Both tools are fully compatible with Firefox and Microsoft Vista and are available to you at a click.     


Also, if you have a website or blog, we offer you tools that allow you to give added-value to your visitors:  mini-NanoScan, which runs on your website, and the Infections Map, which shows the number of infected PCs by virus and by country.


Mini-NanoScan is very easy to add to your website or blog. Just copy and paste this code: <script src=""></script>. Easy, isn't it?


What's more, we've developed an infections map based on Google Maps that shows the infections index (Infex) by country, and shows the spread of malware in each country. You can be one of the first to include it on your website or blog.  Once again, it couldn't be easier, cut and paste the following code on your website or blog. <iframe style="width:712px; border:0;height:364px;overflow:hidden; " src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>.


Finally, if you want to view data and stats about the community using these tools, you have up-to-date information in real time at


And remember to scan your PC regularly with NanoScan or TotalScan to make sure it is virus-free. Just having a security solution installed might not be enough.


Remember that ActiveScan is still available at should you prefer it.  


Also, below is another site you can go to and scan your computer and delete for free. All of these programs will ask to install files into your computer.  That's ok. and required to run these programs.

Click on Housecall or Free Scan and you can scan your computer and delete viruses, mallware, spyware and all other nuisances.  It's great and free!!

All of these programs work.  You just do not get the "real time protection" you would get with a anti virus program you bought.


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Re: DANGER - Security Warning
8/17/2007 12:06:20 PM

Hey guys Robert is not kidding. I recieved a ecard that was supposed to be for my hubby's birthday from my aunt within 15 min of opening the card my computer would not boot completely into windows so I was unable to go in a restore the system so I had to do what is called a system recovery meaning anything that was not factory installed is now gone but at least  I am able to get back to work but now have to rebuild my stock of products and all my pictures

My list and everything were saved because they were up on the internet

My advice is to invest the money for a virtual backup online and this will never have to happen to you



Jena Carver aka mamajena
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Re: DANGER - Security Warning
8/17/2007 12:33:02 PM
Thank you for this information, Robert!
I will pass it on.
Happy TGIF,