Not exactly Adlandpro related, but certainly could affect Adlandpro friends. Have you received emails that appear to be from a friend or family member sending you an online greeting card?
There's a really virulent worm being spread at the moment which apparently is the most widespread and most virulent worm for over a year.
It arrives in your email inbox with an email subject line that appears to be a greetings card from a friend, a buddy, a family member, a colleague, a mate, etc etc.
If you fall for it and click the link to 'collect' your so called greetings card you're done for, because the worm is then released into your computer. It waits their patiently until it receives a message from its creator instructing it to send emails out from YOUR Address book to unsuspecting friends or colleagues.
This spreads the worm further and also spreads a scam email about stocks and shares, which eventually makes money for the scum who initiated it.
~ Robert Phillips~