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Na Ha

85 Posts
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Re: Looking For Something That Really Works!
8/27/2007 4:08:23 PM


You really have received a lot of good information. I wish you the best of luck!

I think that whatever you can do to be personable with your potential customers will help. I think people are tired of getting autoresponder traffic. Networking with people who can help promote your site helps too!

If I can be of help... I am willing to share what can. I am using traffic generators and advertising methods also. Of course, i want to make $$ and not spend it too!

I hope we can be friends and help each other!

check out my website... I think it may be something like promoting yourself as suggested.

I am not looking to sell... I am working on my "main" business and doing a lot of searching right now.

Have a Great Day!




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Read all about it…

 then …


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How exciting!

I hardly understand the process, but I LIKE it…

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I was very skeptical, but $15.00?? and it was going to a “Green cause”

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If I can not answer your questions, I know who can…

***promoted it with SPSonisurf***


May God continue to Bless & Keep You! Peace, Na Ha Great Business Opportunity! Check me out! Read all about it… then … JOIN ME!
Re: Looking For Something That Really Works!
8/27/2007 9:38:14 PM

I appreciate everybody giving me some honest advice.

I made it known that I had a product. I talked to people. I had business cards made up and handed them out. I put books out, as well. And so far, it seems to be working. I've had several calls, hits to my website, and best of all, my sales have increased.

My profit is not nearly where I would like it to be. But at least now, it's headed in the right direction, UP!

Thanks everybody! Keep sending the suggestions.

Re: Looking For Something That Really Works!
9/1/2007 8:39:01 AM

Still dreaming of financial freedom?
I have the answer!
My Power Mall is totally different! It’s FREE, you don’t have to sell anything, there is no qualifying for income, and all your tools are free.
Here is your chance to finally succeed!

Re: Looking For Something That Really Works!
9/1/2007 8:39:21 AM

Still dreaming of financial freedom?
I have the answer!
My Power Mall is totally different! It’s FREE, you don’t have to sell anything, there is no qualifying for income, and all your tools are free.
Here is your chance to finally succeed!


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