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Re: Your Sunday Smile (ATTITUDE) 7/24/2005
7/30/2005 12:38:27 PM
Hi Marion, This was a wonderful reflection that provides a useful inspiring message. It was interesting. You certainly have a fantastic narrative talent. Thank you for sharing this with us. Take care.
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Re: Your Sunday Smile (ATTITUDE) 7/24/2005
8/6/2005 3:09:45 AM
VERY Cool Marion, VERY Cool! Woke up and said to myself, "Let's see what going on." So I did! There's alot going on here, I like them ALL! So since I can't decide which is best they must ALL be. You are a cool lady my friend. (Now with sound)
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Flag of Marion Tucker

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Re: Your Sunday Smile (ATTITUDE) 7/24/2005
8/6/2005 7:05:55 AM
Hi Michael, Emmanuel & Bev, Glad to see you here. I am so happy you enjoyed the "Sunday Smile." Come back again. God Bless, Marion
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Re: Your Sunday Smile (ATTITUDE) 7/24/2005
8/6/2005 10:31:07 PM
hi Marion,i whole heartedly agree,thank you for that Gene
Re: Your Sunday Smile (ATTITUDE) 7/24/2005
8/20/2005 11:56:38 PM
Marion thanks like this.
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