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Re: What has been your biggest MLM frustration?
8/4/2007 3:29:27 PM
Yes I agree with you word. I think most people new to MLM have their expectations set up wrong to begin with. And I believe to a great degree that is the sponsors fault.

Prior to working MLM on the internet I was with a regular mlm company for 4 years. I remember hearing new people that were trying to sponsor people after the meeting saying things like "see mr. X over there? He's making like 20 grand a month! And hes only been doing it for 6 months!" I remember that one specifically because the guy he was pointing to was at the same position as me and although we made good money it wasnt that much! So it was an outright lie! But not only lies I just dont think sponsors set up new people expectations correctly and when someone goes in thinking something is SUPER easy and they are going to be making 10 grand in the next 3 months it sets them up for failure.

So i try to draw a thin line between not trying to determine someones success and giving them proper expectations because you dont want to try and tell them what they CANT do. Who knows they may be the superstar that DOES go from $0 to 10 grand a month in 3 months.

Re: What has been your biggest MLM frustration?
8/12/2007 6:37:17 AM
I'd have to say that it's a lack of marketing budget and the fact that all you do in the beginning is spend, spend, spend and most people don't see any results worth mentioning the first few months or longer in many cases.

I completely expected it to be the case.  There's a learning curve and everything takes time.  A lot of people don't want to wait very long, but I'm 100% committed to it.  Just the thought of wasting my life getting another job is all it takes for me to keep studying with my head down and with massive determination.
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Muriel Holladay

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Re: What has been your biggest MLM frustration?
8/31/2007 3:34:57 PM

I certainly agree but I also think that too many MLM companies are not there to help their distributors succeed - they are more in it to make money for themselves.

So........picking your company and product very carefully is of prime importance.  First you need a company that is well established and make it possible for most new distributors to make a bonus in their first month, if they put in some credible effort. 

Also you need products that you are absolutely passionate about.  If you don't love them and use them, it is pretty hard to convince anyone else to use them.  Also a consumable product is great.

I believe you have to quickly be able to create your 30 second  stories.  One for your business and one for your products and how they have helped you personally.

As for marketing online or off, you just have to keep talking to people and don't give up.  It takes time, work and lots of patience.   And don't prejudge anyone as you never know who your next 'star' may be.

I think that MLM is wonderful.  Where else can you start a lucrative home business for under $50?  Too bad so many people put them in the same bucket with the pyramid schemes.  I say if people like Donald Trump and Warren Buffet endorse MLM, I',m in!!

Happy Marketing.


Paula Frye

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Re: What has been your biggest MLM frustration?
3/5/2008 9:15:00 AM
My biggest frustration has been those that drop out without even trying. Working online (with anything) takes work. We all have a lot to learn, myself included here.
Income from any MLM doesn't happen instantly, as you are well aware.
Take care,
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Re: What has been your biggest MLM frustration?
3/27/2008 10:39:19 PM


My biggest frustration in MLM if the company is not build for last and it just disappear after 2 years.

Isaac Kwan


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