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8/6/2007 9:41:03 AM

Hello Anamaria,

Always glad to see you! Your flapping style dissolves density an seriousness of other posts, thank you.


(THIS SMILY IS FOR THIS : "The only aspect I'm sure I do not want to go into is "the union of two molecules ... " and that is because being a chemist I'm afraid the post will be too long LOL."

"After a while of seeing the world this way
you will even be glad
that all of this is your responsibility instead of someone else's.

It's wonderful to know that you are always with
the only person you ne

Dear Anamaria - is this statement originally your or you can provide us references? Please, let me know.

Anamaria , you are so special person - I am so happy to meet you!


Ana Maria Padurean

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8/6/2007 11:54:44 AM

Hello my dear Branka,

Thank you so very much for your kind words of apreciation. I'm also happy of meeting you. I feel we have many things in common. It would be very interesting a face to face discussion. That would be some piece LOL

I'm not too sure if those words are mine or where are they actually coming from. I used to read a lot and on this topic I still do; having two kids a husband I always gave attention to these kind of things. In fact even these days, with our daughter being also at home, we had some discussions upon this; that is how I have so many thoughts and is hard for me to put them in order.

The book that I very much apreciate is EMOTIONAL INTELIGENCE by ... ups I forgot the writters name; GOLDNAM, I think but I'll check it out when I'll get home and I'll be back with his name.

I'll be back
Dimitra Bravou

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8/8/2007 11:28:16 AM
Hello Branka,

It's usual to say "thank you for inviting me here". But this time it's for real. A BIG "THANK YOU" as this forum made me to read for about three hours all posts here.This topic is VERY INTERESTING and all posts of our friends impressive.

What is Community? A great team consisting by persons.
What's the goal of a community? To improve each member's life (or job, town, country....)
Who is responsible for the Community? Each individual member (in a family parents first)
On what is based a Community? On each members PERSONALITY!

We all here are AdlandPro Community.

I read all posts and saw so many different personalities. I don't want to distinguish some of them. Besides it would be unfair as I judge according to MY personality.

Who made me the personality I am now? Most here say it was my family. Which one? You see, I grow up in two different families.

So, I cannot continue my thoughts without introducing my life!!!

I was born in a small village in a family with seven children. My father was married for second time (to my mother) as his first wife died and he had already four children to care about. I was a happy child in this family. My father loved me very much and this love was shown to me in different ways. My mother was a patient common woman who loved all family's children equal (hers and not hers). Both my parents were good Christians and it was absolutely physical for me to be a good Christian too, as I saw my parents to be so good to all people who lived in the village. We, as a family, helped each other according to everyone's age and that was not only a need but everyone's will.

Unfortunately, when I was about 8, this family separated as the village slipped down and my parents and one of my sisters were killed. As I was not adult, I was adopted by another (unknown to me) family with no kids. Is there any need to say that for some years I wanted to believe that it is only a bad dream and I'll wake up and all would be the same as it was? But it was not a dream. It was a fact.

The fact is that, my second family seemed not to know how to grow up a child, especially a child who knew its parents and it's history. I don't say they were bad people, I say that they didn't have the knowledge and ability to handle the situation from the very beginning. I don't want to make you bored with details. Although I was a child who loved God, they forced me (and I mean this) to be every week in the church even if I couldn't. My step mother always told me about how God would punish me for everything I did and as years passed by I started to think that this God would not be my God. I noticed that the more my mother spoke about God, the more she was hard-hearted to me and my father was the same. I grew up to 18 and tried to find another way to find God. I started to read a lot of books in order to realize why should I be afraid of God and what in the h*ll did I wrong and I was suffering by a family of continuing DON'Ts. I'm not sure what I found, the only thing I'm sure is that God is one for all people and he has NO name. He is one for all people living on this planet or in any planet in the universe, just people like to name him according to their FEARS and by tradition.

Why do I say all these? Because we speak here about community. I am a member of a new community now, my family. What kind of a person would I be if I was trained by my original family and what a person finally I am? Would I be different? Would I made different choises in my life? Who knows! Here comes my personality! Being 8 years old when I lost my parents, I had already made a part of my personality, in my second family I added some more parts (I'm not sure if these are some of the best...)  but definitely most of my personality completed when I was already married. A great part of my personality affected by my second family, school and reading. But I believe that no ones personality is ever completed as we all learn and change as we get older.

So, family is a community. Parents affect their children personality. School too. We have to refer school. It's the community beyond family.

What is the first thind that everyone has to do  in a Community?  RESPECT others! How? By respecting himself first. This is going to be when everyone knows thyself and loves thyself.

Oh, I somehow dried up. I may come again to post here.

Be happy!


Rajaram S.K.

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8/9/2007 6:10:09 AM

Dear Dimitra,

I love your last post about your childhood experience, with such parents, brothers and sisters, and others who looked after you since you were 8 years old. And I love your experienced words as follows;

"I'm not sure what I found, the only thing I'm sure is that God is one for all people and he has NO name. He is one for all people living on this planet or in any planet in the universe, just people like to name him according to their FEARS and by tradition......"

Every word of yours is the UNIVERSAL TRUTH, since the VEDIC/UPANISHADIC AGES OF this UNIVERSE. I think you much more than what you have mentioned here. Let your experience speak out here. You are welcome to post something more.

With Love and peace to all

Rajaram S.K.

S.K. Rajaram
8/9/2007 9:54:13 AM

Hi Dimitra

I am sorry to hear that you had such hard childhood.

It is not only that you make your personality through your parents or in your case stepparents,but also with all the people that you have contact with.Hearing thoughts from people near you you build up your own image of any problem or any question that is bothering you.

Now something about stepparents.According to my knowledge people that had no birth in the house hardly can properly lead child to grow up.The older child is adopted the harder is to keep it in wanted direction.Second thing is connected to our genetics.Adopters usually hardly know anything about family from which they got child and what may come out in teen age years.In this period you have probably "shouted" to your step mother "my mother would not dare to..." or something similar after which you were regularly punished.As you probably now know small children are often frightened with GOD or devil or something else to make them listen and be "good".Your step parents probably did not know at what age kids are no more frightened and which level of pressure at particular age they can put to make a child obey  their idea.

I hope that you are one of lucky and happy women who have your own kids.Through this experience you will be able to know where your stepparents went wrong.Start writing a book about it.It could be very useful to many stepparents.

I hope that this was not too boring.

Zvonimir Rakigjija




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