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7/23/2005 7:11:00 PM
My Dear Friend Kathy Martin ! Thank you for your invitation. A great Forum - I liked No:3 "Image is what people think we are; Integrity is what we really are". An "Excellent Quote". Thanking you, once again. With lots of Love and Affection ! Your Ever Loving Friend, Mohamed Khadar Gani.
7/23/2005 8:20:13 PM
Dear Kathy & my Adland friends and family, Thank you all for your wonderful posts! I quite agree with the importance of keeping your personal integrity bright at all times. This is the best guarantee for a happy living. It makes life so much easier and also goes a loooong way in building stable personal as well as business relationships. Incidentally I just found a good website that shows the advantages of operating with the truth and also gives the 10 benefits of using personal integrity in business: Particularly tip #1 there I found to be very true indeed. Integrity means being true to your own values and goals and being true to "the real me" in you - your basic personality, which can always found to be decent, kind and helpful at its core, no matter, how many layers of scorn and hate and grumpiness we have allowed to build up around it. As a being you cause your own emotions. Let it be more happiness than doubt, by keeping your integrity always bright. Yours very truly, Martin Anthony Ambassador for Peace & Understanding _______________________ For more information about the Ambassador for Peace program of the Way To Happiness Foundation International, and to get your own free copy of The Way To Happiness Booklet, feel free to visit:
7/24/2005 3:23:24 PM
Great post, Kathy! Your post reminded me of a friend who lives by the following creed and inspired me to live by it as well. He says, "Anything worth doing, is worth doing well." All the Best, David
David and Margaret Duncan
Funmi Oluyede

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7/25/2005 5:14:36 PM
How right you are, my friend. I call you blessed!
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7/25/2005 9:06:51 PM
Hi Kathy, Thank you so much for your insight. The battle you describe truly is unavoidable, and the mind is the battleground. A personal example is the battle with lust. My desire is to be faithful to the lady I will soon marry. Yet my lower nature still tempts me with thoughts of "What if..." when I see other women. It is the integrity that the Lord develops within that causes the nobler desire to prevail. So what is this thing called integrity? I found an excellent definition in the Wikipedia: "Integrity comprises the personal inner sense of wholeness deriving from honesty and consistent uprightness of character." I also like the quote from Thomas Macanley that you shared, "The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he would never be found out." Thanks again for your contribution. You are a rare gem, and an asset to this community. Deryl Johnson (509)967-9193 Learn How You Can Celebrate Recovery

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