Hi Kathy,
These are some great thoughts that we should all think about. You know, I joke a lot, however when it comes to something like integrity, there are too many sceptics that are waiting for that one wrong word or action. I also believe that one can maintain integrity without loses one self in a false atmosphere. The best way that I can explain that is with an old commercial. The Farm boy that was sitting at an elegant table with sophisticated people. Everyone was shocked when he asked "Can you please pass the Jelly?" Of course we know that it was Allfruit however the subliminal message was that a Farmboy does not fit in with upper crust. First, he did not reach across the table to grab the Allfruit and second he did say please. Integrity should also be extended to understand people from all walks of life and countries, respect their customs, and not be opinionated. Perhaps I'm way off base. When our military first brought food to the hungry displaced people in a war torn country, they were disgruntled because the people either did not know what to do with the food or some of the sanitary supplies, or laughed in confusion. The supplies were geared to our way of life, not theirs. It was to them like an alien ship landed and gave them poison. At the end of the first week, many people were sick because their stomaches were not accustomed to our modern way of life. I am only saying that keeping our way of life together is important, however we must first, before lending a helping hand to others, learn what their way of life is also, in that way we keep our integrity intact at a Universal level.
I know, it is so much easier when Shirley responds to a forum.
God Bless You