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Bogdan Fiedur

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The starting point of all achievement is desire...
7/22/2005 12:26:28 PM
"The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results." – Napoleon Hill, Author
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: The starting point of all achievement is desire...
7/22/2005 1:30:16 PM
Hello Bogdan, Very nice seeing you and thank you for all you do.Starting point of all desire,First I think you need to have desire in your heart to be able to keep in your mind.Do not be afraid to have desires,I think people really need to learn this word Desire to begin to apply it in their lives.Thanks, kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Thomas West

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Re: The starting point of all achievement is desire...
7/22/2005 1:42:43 PM
Hi Bogdan, We at Mentoring For Free have just begun a 30-day mental cleanse, turning off all negative sources of input such as TV, newspapers, etc. Instead, we are reading Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." This is my second time reading this book, and I just finished the chapter that today's quote is drawn from. Here's another quote from the same chapter: "All thoughts which have been emotionalized, (given feeling)and mixed with faith, begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent or counterpart." In other words, desire combined with positive emotion, especially faith, always bring results. The stumbling block for most is how to develop faith that you will receive something before it actually appears. Make it a great day (literally),
Drbob Siegman

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Re: The starting point of all achievement is desire...
7/22/2005 2:27:13 PM
Hi Bogdan, The outcome of a project can usually be measure be the degree of desire it is started with. A half heart desire will lead to half the effort put into it, which in turn will normally lead to a half finished project. Whereas a Burning Desire will lead to enormous effort, which will lead to well founded and successful project. So if you want the best results, you have to whole heartily want the best to start with!
Re: The starting point of all achievement is desire...
7/22/2005 3:18:26 PM
Hi Bogdan, thanks for the invite. In order to cook that steak the way you want it you need to turn up the heat to full power (ie A burning Desire)and hear the sizzle and smell the aromas and know how long it is going to take. I agree, an intense desire is a powerful precursor to massive action.

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