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Allen Daniels

38 Posts
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Re: Post your ads here:
7/29/2007 9:18:07 AM


I was looking at your easy-promoter site again and discovered the door way pages. Do you have some door way pages made that we can look at? I am very interested in this promotional package.

Do you have any stats that can help validate that the service works?

Have A Great Day,

Allen Daniels businessmaninboots
Allen Daniels

38 Posts
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Re: Post your ads here:
7/29/2007 9:51:10 AM

Hi Jeanette,

That is an interesting business opp you have. I went through the site and liked what I saw.

How is it working for you?


Allen Daniels businessmaninboots
Kevin Doolittle

572 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Post your ads here:
7/29/2007 6:30:38 PM

Thank you Allen for starting this forum. I think that Jerky Direct is a fantastic oportunity and the JerkyHill/JDRadiance Team is the Best!

The Heart's Choice Market is a member of the friendly, supportive and huge "Jerky Hill/JD Radiance Team." There are special considerations and  benefits that come with joining this team.

Every new member who joins our Team or through or will be placed under another team member. We will, In Turn,, Do the SAME For You!! (And so on, and so forth, over and over again!) Members are Continually Rotated as we receive them. This is HOW we CAN Guarantee you Success!

You will be entitled to a FREE Executive KellySafeList Account (Details wil be forwarded when you join). To get and start using your Safemailer Click a link above to join and let's build our success together along with the other members of this aggressive JD Premium Products team. It works for me!

Teamwork Rocks!

Joe Goldner

301 Posts
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Re: Post your ads here:
8/5/2007 8:27:50 PM


Affordable Customized Business Design & Illustration


Hello Everyone,

I'm Ritty in the City, logo, graphic, website designer with over 30 plus years experience, creating unique design and illustration throughout the business community

Illustrator of “The Botany Bunch” children’s book, receiving acclamations for recognizing the need for our children’s education, awareness and growth for their future, - grand gala icon.

While you’re visiting Ritty in the City review the other icons for generous design samples.

-You owe it to yourself and your employees to get a professionally designed custom logo that’s unique to your company and that no one else can use. According to the Graphic Artists Guild you'll pay $500 to $2,000 for a corporate logo at a traditional design firm. You can get a custom-made company logo from me for only $100 to $500. And since logos, websites, and illustrations are what I specialize in, you'll get a higher quality logo / website / illustration design at an Affordable Price.

- Web Design and Development, Consulting, Domain Name Registration, Email, Merchant Account Setup, Meta Tag Generation, Photo Editing, Site infrastructure, Search Engine Submissions, Website Marketing and Promotion, Web hosting, Website Maintenance, Website Redesign, Online Marketing, Site Analysis, 24/7 Online Support.

- Graphic Design and Layout, Banners, Logo Design, Ad Design, Book Illustration Design, Auto Mural Design & Illustration, Brochure Design, Business Cards, Calendars, Catalog Layout, CD & Album Cover Design, Flyer, High Illustration, Invitations, Mailers, Newsletter, Photo Manipulation, Photo Editing, Photo Restoration, Postcards, Poster Design, Promotional Pamphlets.


- Publishing plans can cost a great deal of money. Not that there isn't a tremendous savings over Television or Radio advertisement. You can only hope the right audience reads your one time printed ad. Now there is hope to take your business to the next level and join the growing interest on the exciting World Wide Web. For the price of a few printed advertisements, you will receive maximum exposure, for one whole year. That's an incredible savings! 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, right in your customers home. That's where they feel very comfortable when viewing your products, and planning their next purchase.

Great sales material can bring excitement, interest and vibrancy to your business as well as increased revenue.


If you have any questions please fill free to email me at

Have a great day!


Joe Goldner COO Ritty In The City
Vel Am

319 Posts
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Re: Post your ads here:
8/6/2007 12:06:52 AM

Capitalize on the Digital Age

VMDirect has produced the following video for you.  It explains our business and how you can benefit should you decide to join our program.

1.Click on this link:  It will open up in a Windows Movie maker player.

Our flagship product The Studio, as showcased on the helloWorld social network, is a comprehensive web-based digital platform that allows users to create, transcode, store, manage and share all their digital assets online, including photos, streaming videos, music and more.

With just a few clicks on your mouse, you can capitalize on the digital revolution with the right opportunity and the right product at the right time

You need not  be concerned with storage and delivery
of perishable items. In fact, our portfolio of products is
perfectly suited for the 21st century.  .  .

The Time is Now!

VMdirect is entering into
it’s MOMENTUM stage

To get a better idea about what we are refering to - take the tour at HelloWorld or click the link at the top of the page to watch our video presentation and see for yourself.

Enjoy Your Success!

Vel Ammons

- - Matthew 6:33 “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU. 34 So, never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Sufficient for each day is its own badness. .. . . . Jeremiah 33: 3 ‘Call to me, and I shall answer you and readily tell you great and incomprehensible things that you have not known.’”