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Re: Post your ads here:
7/15/2007 8:57:08 PM

will provide an excellent  resource for promoting
your business.

Everything you want to know  or
didn't want to know about network marketing is here.

Walter & Joy Seward
Kathy Kanouse

3270 Posts
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Re: Post your ads here:
7/15/2007 9:06:51 PM
Thank you ALLEn for the opportunity to post a ad in your forum. Below is a new Community I just Join come & take a look.
I hope you come & join us it is FREE.
Friends I have a really cool new community I have joined & would like to invite you to come & leave your Business card over there as well. It is like Direct Matches But there is no charge for using email & many  more FREE tools.
I look forward to networking over there as well.
I hope to see you there real soon.
Have a great weekend
Kathy K

Barb Doyle

1469 Posts
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Re: Post your ads here:
7/15/2007 10:03:47 PM

Hi Allen,

Thanks for the invitation. The only business that I can recommend to others after researching many hundreds over the past 13 years.

It's easy to do. It's easy not to do. It's up to you!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.



Rose Enderud

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Re: Post your ads here:
7/15/2007 10:09:04 PM
Hello Allen,
I am part of the wonderful Jerky Direct team here at Adlandpro.
Hello Everyone,

Jerky Direct is a great opportunity. Currently only available in the USA.

For $12 a month you get 2 bags of jerky and a distributorship with a great company.
You get paid monthly for 7 levels on the $12 from members in your downline.

Jerky Direct has eliminated the middleman.
Your customers can order direct from your store and you get paid 20% commission, shipping is included in the price.
You can order wholesale for your own use or to sell.

You get paid 5% commission on wholesale sales of your first level.
The product is great quality. Lots of people already love jerky.

 Jerky Direct

We have two other product lines, nutritional supplements  and  skin care products.

We have a great adland team working to help each other.
Thank you

Re: Post your ads here:
7/16/2007 2:00:25 AM
Hi Allen,
Thanks for the opportunity to tell others here about what I do.
I am starting to build a team here in the USA of home business people that are interested in help people save and make money.

You can join free at  but if your serious about making money with this program lets chat on the ph a few minutes.

If you will send me your name, ph # and the best time to call I will call on my dime. Please include your time zone as well.
Email the info to . People join our team and ae serious I am going to show you what you need to do to make money with this company and how you can save enough using the benefits to cover you business cost every month.

 No lies, hype, or bull just honest business seance. I apply the same practices to off line business management to build sales to over 55 k a month. Your home business should not be ran any differently that an off line business, that is, if your serious about building a livable income from home.

God Bless
Johnny Ford

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