Hello Tom,
Yes...we are very much still togther. Growing stronger every day. Yeah, our wedding was great. We had it in our own back yard. I can't think of a more sacred place than my own home.
As for being hard to get along with, I think you are wrong. The problem is not with me. It is with those who can't get along. It is true that that I am not a wishy washy and I tell it like it is and am not afraid to get in someone's face. But that is why most people like me.
I'm not about to change because some people can't get along with me. I am very pleased with myself and I know who I am and that is all that matters. Maybe it is the people who can't get along with me that have the problem, but it is not worth my time to anyalyze this.
If someone chooses not to associate with me, then it is there loss and there choice. Not a big deal to me. Yeah, I am here just like eveyone else, but that doesn't change the fact that I am who I am. I have too many people that I run into everyday that enjoy spending some time with me before moving on to worry about the ones that avoid me. They don't know what they are missing :)
Stay cool! I'm off to help a friend