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Kay Reeve

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Re: Weird Fact of the Day 7.8.07
7/8/2007 4:03:46 PM
If I had a pound for every chemical found in the second hand smoke
I'd be happy.


Non-smokers who breathe in secondhand smoke are at risk of the same diseases as smokers, including cancer and heart disease!

Secondhand smoke contains 4,000 toxic chemicals and it is estimated that it causes thousands of deaths each year. Children are particularly affected by secondhand smoke because their bodies are still developing. But around half of all British children are growing up in homes where at least one parent is a smoker.


I grew up in a house where smoke was always present and I was constantly ill with Asthma.  Since leaving home, my Asthma has been much improved but I still suffer and cannot now spend any time near smokers.  It's amongst the top things that will set off another attack.  I gave a lift to a work colleage the other day and he'd been smoking while waiting for the lift.  My car reeked the moment he got in.  I can smell smoke on the breath of people for up to ten feet away when they enter the room after lunch breaks and the smell of ashtrays is the most foul thing I can think of.

What also baffles me is why it's illegal to smoke under the age of 16, yet children as young as 11 will stand outside highschool smoking publicly, knowing that because they are under 18, there is nothing the police can to do touch them.  This is about as useful as your law on not putting ice cream in your back pocket and might as well be filed under the book of rediculous laws along with Oliver Cromwell's one about not being allowed to eat Christmas Pudding on Christmas Day!

My argument against smokers is that I have to pay regular medical bills for all my tablets and inhalers just to be able to breathe the air that other people get for free.

There - I got that off my chest now :-D

Can you do the same with the smoke?

Larry Anderson

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Re: Weird Fact of the Day 7.8.07
7/8/2007 4:07:16 PM
Hi kay Are you telling me I have to give up smoking? The answer is no it is the only vice I have left
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Phillip Black

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Re: Weird Fact of the Day 7.8.07
7/8/2007 5:19:32 PM

Hi Larry,

I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself.” Johnny Carson

Have A Happy Day,




“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Larry Anderson

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Re: Weird Fact of the Day 7.8.07
7/8/2007 5:56:19 PM
Hi Phil yuppers, in the end you are still gonna die
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
John Leal

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Re: Weird Fact of the Day 7.8.07
7/8/2007 6:50:46 PM
Hi Larry Anyone who says to you, "Geez, that week went quick" is obviously a smoker!

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