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Joe Downing

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Re: Friendship and Love
8/15/2007 6:41:25 PM

I just wanted to stop by and say hello Monica. 

Everyone is posting some great stuff here.

Friends are the flowers of our lives.
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Monica S

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Re: Friendship and Love
8/15/2007 7:24:13 PM

Thank you Steven :)

Very true, Bj and Joe! :)


Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! :)

Monica S

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Re: Friendship and Love
8/16/2007 5:23:40 PM

Talking and Chatting

with friends online

Learning from one another

One day at a time


It all starts great

Friendships so kind

But then there are some

who want to play with your mind


In person it's easier

to spot the deceit

Online is difficult

when they seem so sweet


Who is this person

that you confide in

Are they what they seem

Are they genuine?


Some don't realize

or have a notion

On the other end of the computer

is a person with emotions


They get so tied up

in what they type

Each person they see

is just another "byte"


Friends should be treasured

with Sincerity

Not in fantasy

But in Reality


Do not use or abuse

in cyber space

Treat the people

as you would face to face


Remember it's a person

that has a heart

And not just a thing

or a computer part


To my true Friends

I honestly love you

Thanks for your friendship

And all that you do!


Written by: Monica Stokes

Date: 08/16/2007


Bj Burgess

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Re: Friendship and Love
8/16/2007 6:44:42 PM

thank you Monica for sharing this with all our friends.

You have always had a talent of writing poetry. I was wondering when you would get around to sharing this talent with your friends.

Thank you




Thomas Richmond

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Re: Friendship and Love
8/16/2007 6:54:59 PM

Sorry for the late note Monica. Nice and friendly poems go through the heart like the sand between your toes or the radiance of the sun through the gentle breeze of a liefs tree. Thanks Monica for sharing with us.

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