
Jason Lamure

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 7:55:30 PM
Hi Kathleen,

I hear you on the whole Paris deal, 'nuff said about her already LOL!

Happy 4th of July to my friends and neighbours just to the south.... the good ol' USA!!

Hope everyone has a great time and catches the local fireworks !!


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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 7:59:45 PM

I could not agree with you more Kathleen, lets keep the money and jobs were it belongs in the Good Old USA.

You have the right idea too Linda.  If people quit buy foreign anything we woud be again a rich Country.



God Bless you all,



God Bless Everyone
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Chris Agostarola

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 8:25:16 PM

Yes Kathleen I have to agree. It's rediculous to be getting out own flags from other countries. Doesn't say much for us now does it? Hope you had a great 4th!


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Helen Prowd

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 9:22:59 PM
Happy 4th July everyone and have a great day.
All my best wishes Helen
H. Prowd
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 10:25:59 PM

Thanks everyone for visiting!  We went to the movies, I had to see Josh Duhamel in "Transformers"...he and the movie were fantastic!  I wasn't going to see it because I thought it would be a "boys movie" but it was really good.

We also saw fireworks, the movie parking lot is on a hill and was full of people who didn't want to get stuck in downtown traffic, so it was perfect timing, we got out of the theater just before 10:30 and saw most of the fireworks far off in the distance.  It's a yearly gathering place now, the theater has been there for 10 years and the first few years they tried to shoo out the July 4th crowd who were only there to watch fireworks, but the theater management got a bad rep for that, now they let it's only one night a year!  WE actually paid to watch a movie first, then went outside afterwards, but planned ahead for the right time!


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