
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 5:19:53 PM

Have you heard about the state of Minnesota saying that all US flags should be made in the US?  Yeah!  Did you know that multi-million$ worth of American flags are imported from other countries every YEAR?  If all our states put this up for election and it passes, this will create lots of permanent jobs and revenue!

The heart and soul of America is NOT in Hollywood!  We've had enough poo about Paris Hilton...who is famous for what exactly?...and her mommy planned a midnight party for her when she was released from jail...adding to her lifelong spotlight which is the primary reason for her ridiculous behavior anyway...hey  Paris!  You're 26!  Get a REAL life!  Hey, Paris's Mommy, you're NOT helping!

HAPPY 4TH!  I don't know about where you live, but here in Michigan, parades are BIG attractions.  Some people reserved their parade-watching spaces a WEEK in advance!  Yes, they did!  With yellow police tape!  Some neighborhoods looked like big roped-off crime zones when actually people were just claiming their place to sit, along with tarps covering their pieces of ground in case of rained a little but the fireworks promoters said that was okay, wet ground is better than grass fires.

If you've had enough of fireworks, lots of great movies are out and the theaters are open!  Remember, Hollywood works for us, we don't kowtow to them!

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 5:37:16 PM
Right on Kathleen...US flags should be made in USA only!
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Donnie Graham

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 5:56:45 PM
Hi Kathleen

Although I come from Scotland, the land of whisky, heather, and midges, I've got quite a few friends across the water, and thankfully, I remembered this morning to send them ecards. Regarding the flags, it seems to be the same in all the western countries. A Texan friend  gave me a coffee mug once when she was over here--it had TEXAS, and a map of the state on the side, but when I looked underneath, it was  "Made in  China".  I decided to buy her a Scottish themed one, with thistles, heather on it etc,  but it was after paying for it that I remembered to check that it was genuinely Scottish. You've guessed it--"Made in Taiwan". I really don't see why we don't manufacture our own, even if it cost a little bit extra. Hope you're having a great day.

Best wishes

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Steven Suchar

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 6:41:01 PM
"Thank You Kathleen"

Happy Independence Day

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Linda Harvey

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Re: Happy 4th...Minnesota has the right idea:
7/4/2007 6:57:18 PM
I agree totally, not just the american flags should be American Made, but we need to buy more locally from Farmer's Markets, eat what is locally grown and harvested fresh. Try to buy organic when possible. Buy cars made in USA, etc.
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