Hi Jenny,
Keeping abreast of this one. Could be a long running story board.
Passionate about your ideas? This is a complete recipe for disaster and bankruptcy.
Not dwelling long over the history of people who were convinced that they had created something wonderful - even if it was 'still-life' - I leave you with the thought that among the many who failed to grow rich in their lifetime were wonderful artists and composers passionate about their creations. Their legacy however has made a great number of business minded people very rich indeed.
Business is about how you can capitalise on selling enough of something to others at the right price to make a profit and continue to do so AND GROW your business.
Why do people buy from people and why should they buy from you? Good question Hmm..... I guess that to start we need to build a persona that allows people to relate to us and then over provide services or quality products. Of course if tempted to build a Walmart type of business you need to understand the mechanics of business and the many different skills you need to employ. Ask any business owner whether they have all the skills necessary to be successful and I guarantee the answer is no. What we all share in business building is a 'resource poverty' which can be a fatal ingredient in the early days.
Finally without a plan and a structured approach don't start. It is easy to start but difficult to grow. If there is no competition it is even harder. Make sure there is a market for what you want to sell. Develop a profile of your target areas. Build relationships with customers and suppliers. Work with others who could help you and vice versa.
Many people confuse activity with results. It is not so. Work smarter not harder.
Have a Great Day,
PS I think it was a guy named Cohen who started Tesco in the UK. The original principle was " if I can buy something and sell it cheap and in large volume before paying for it, I can build a business simply by adding more products and repeating the process." The rest of the story as they say is history.