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Jenny SJ

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Re: How Do You Choose Your Program or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 6:35:46 PM
Hi Rudy,

IT is good to see someone who has found their product, believes in it and promotes it consistently instead of jumping from programme to programme. 
I guess you are one of the great Adland examples of FOCUSED marketing!

Your comments about autoship are very relevant to anyone marketing a physical product - and something to be looked at by them.

Yup - and the chain letters - although I guess that comes under the category of doing your due diligence!


Barb Doyle

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 7:06:55 PM

Hi Jenny,

I enjoyed reading your post. It is very difficult for most people to choose the right program. Unfortunately there are many who put money ahead of people and don't care about how many people they hurt. I have learned from many. I have researched many hundreds of programs over the past 13 years and there is only one that I can recommend to others. I am here to help anyone that wants to succeed. It takes effort but it is well worth it.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Drugs cause nutritional dificiences, are toxic, have side effects and do not cure. Your body does not know what to do with drugs. Why would you want to use drugs when you can use essential oils. Drugs give your body lies essential oils give your body the truth.


Jenny SJ

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Re: How Do You Choose Your Program or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 7:12:49 PM
Hi Me Old Duck

What a lovely surprise to see you here!.

I thought it was time I got my act together and started sharing some of the information and thoughts that I have accumulated since I joined the internet world.  And give other people a place to share their wisdom on the suvject of internet opportunities.

You have hit a good sized nail on the head with your comment "Surely the whole opportunity of the net is the freedom to start your own business" 

The next issue is HOW to find the right business for you - because you are the one who is going to have to be moitivated and there is no guaranteed pay check at the end of the month.

Angelically yours

p.s. and yes I am guilty of copy and pasting myself - lol- but had to share these thoughts
Jill Bachman

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 8:28:49 PM

Hi Jenny,

What a wonderful post and everything you are saying makes total sense, plus I love the feedback.

If more people would follow your suggestion just to create their objective, it would  make for some incredible results...........not to mention determining if they are willing to make in a full time or part time commitment.  "When you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

Now, as you move into the idea that a person must relate to their product.  I even go a few steps further (after lots of sorrowful experiences) to say......a "passion" would be even better.  LOL

Right now, TRUST is so important in choosing any company.  Your advice to getting all quetions answers and making sure the owners are visible and available, is vital.  If we don't do our homework, who will??   If can be another Oooops, where did the company go?

Arthur, you made a great comment on the "mentality" of those not wanting to work, but just earn money.  I have never yet seen that philosphy work, and those with the entitlement mentality just gives me hives!   What kills me is people just keep looking and believing that perfect brainless program will come along :-)

I love the way you explain the magic of the type of program that SUITS YOU.  It makes me want to just follow you 'cause it makes so much common sense  :-)

All I can say is.........THANK YOU and keep  these great posts coming!

You are the best and cheers,  Jill

Kirk Guillory

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 9:23:27 PM

Hi Jenny

Kirk Guillory Arbonne International Consultant

Contact me at , Home 337-217-0741, Cell 337-764-2106

Order on line at click the tab labled opportunity for more information about the MLM Business Opportunity.

Thanks for posting this topic I think it is a great topic.

1. Consider how much it cost to get started?

2. Are the products consumable? You want a consumable product so you will get repeat sales. This is a must in a MLM Business.

3. Are you going to get training on how to sell the products? If you start a business and No one shows you how to operate the business you will not get very good results.

4. Is the company a good stable company?

Arbonne International Skin Care Opportunity

Answers to Questions above.

1. Arbonne cost to start is only $38.00 real low start up cost.

2. 100% of Arbonne products are consumable

3. I will train and teach you how to start the business and build the business. Arbonne also has a on line univeristy free to use for training.

4. Arbonne International from 2005 to 2006 growth was 88.3% in the United States only this does not include Canada. Have you ever heard of a company growing more than 10% in a year?

5. People love the Arbonne products so selling the products is very easy.

6. Average Monthly Commission

Consultant         Average Commission $74.09/month

District Manager      Average Commission $236.43/month

Area manager         Average Commission       $1,173.13/month

Regional Vice President   Average commission $4,779.78/month

National Vice President Average commission $22,549.68/month


If you are serious about your own business this a great opportunity and I will help you get started and show you how to grow this business. You will always have my number and address. If you are from another state I will search for a consultant near you so they can help you with your business. If you are within driving distance of me I will drive to help you with your first show and help you give the show. I am looking for people that want to start their own business seriously.

Kirk Guillory

Arbonne consultant

Join my team with Arbonne International. We will show you how to build a successful business. Train with Arbonne Univeristy. If Interested Contact me at or call 337-764-2106 Visit for more information