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Jenny SJ

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How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 6:39:19 AM
How do you find the RIGHT opportunties for yourself and not the wrong ones?

I chose this title because - on this the great and wondrous worldwide Web - there are literally tens of thousands of network marketing programmes available to choose from. This leaves the average marketer or would be marketer with quite a confusion of choices - and many many make the wrong ones and a few make the right ones and succeed.

So HOW do you find the RIGHT opportunties for yourself and not the wrong ones?

 First of all you need to establish your objective - do you want to make money out of it or are you content to get free advertising for another project you are involved in, and if you want to make money - is this a full or part time project?

 Then you must look at WHAT exactly the programme is - what is its product or servce? Is this something that suits you, something that you can pass on with enthusiasm. Is it risky? Do you want something slow and steady but more reliable. Is it something you would pass onto to a good friend or family member - who can challange you face to face?

If you dont like the latest version of jungle juice - then it is difficult to imagine you being successful selling its MLM! And if you yourself use it from choice - you will be able to promote better. If it works for you - you can honestly pass it on - without hiding behind the internet and being dishonest. You wouldnt start an offline business to make money without researching your product - so why expect it to be any different on the intenet.

 And then - the big one - when you have decided on the programme or group of programmes that best fit in with your philiosophy - do your due diligence! The internet is a great place for semi legal or quasilegal operations. and due duiligence is a little more than replying on the word of a friend. You can check who the company belongs to, what are their results? What are their compensation plans - are they of benefit to all the members or only the top few?

 Ask Questions and more Questions and make sure you are happy with the aswwers - If your questions remain unanswered - wonder why!! No honest and reputable company should have a problem offering good satisfactory explanations. They are usually willing to answer and are very accessible. If they are not - stop and think twice - however legal they may be. Remember your money and time are a long time gone!

And when you have done all that - you will surely find a good company or opportunity that SUITS YOU and your chances of success will be greatly multiplied.

I do a little internet marketing -and here is how i made my personal choice of internet opportunity. I have chosen the advertising field, because I can advertise my own products whilst working on the programme, I make some money from it, so can honestly recommend it to anyone who wishes to advertise their site, it is slow and steady and does not require too much time comitment - which suits my need for a part time opportunity, it is not multi level - so i can live with the compensation plan, I know the owners and have seen them go through some rough times and keep their promises - i hate taking big risks - . SO THIS SUITS ME.

Everyone will have their own set of ingredients to make up the mix that suits them - what i have observed on the internet so far is that people do not spend enough time before making their choices and live to regret it afterwards - when a little more reserch before might have got the on the right tack first time.

Just some thoughts - What are yours?


Arthur Webster

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 4:31:17 PM

Hi, Jenny,

A very sensible post but you probably missed out the most important question of all:-

"Do you believe that you can make money by doing nothing?"

It is absolutely staggering that thousands of people - every day - swallow the line that you need to do nothing to make a fortune in Freds Forced Matrix, hand over their money, do nothing and then wonder why they don't collect the cash.

Hundreds of people make vast fortunes exploiting this gullibility by making wild, sensational and, basically, dishonest claims about what their latest programme will do for you. Quite often the latest, greatest pile of excrement is produced by the same people who produced the last ditto - but they have made their money with that one - so need to start afresh.

Due diligence is very important but a little common sense is far more so.

If it wouldn't work on the high street - why would it work in cyber space?

If this was something you would never consider in the real world, why would you consider it in cyberspace?

The number of internet marketers is relatively small but they prey upon each other like locusts in a corn field - don't you think it would be a good idea to try to make money from the vast majority of web users who are simply looking for a product to satisfy a particular need?

Make angels.

Make jewelery.

Supply recipes.

Supply services (real ones - not made up internet ones).

Enjoy what you do and let it be something you can tell Fred, next door, about and he will understand what you are saying and what you are offering - whether he knows the internet or not.

The Old Coot

Jenny SJ

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 5:14:07 PM
Hi Arthur

Whilst I agree with most of what you say - and yes there is a lot of self perpetuating  internet "products" available in the form of internet programmes - I still maintain that the element of "fit" is very important when choosing what you do, and the possible success you may have.

Ii am afraid that I have fallen in the trap here of not stating what I thought was the obvious - that there is no money with work - it is just a question of whether you work for yourself or for someone else  and whether you work from home or in someone else's business place.  Anything achieved without work is usually highly risky or even illegal!

However, I believe that there are a serious numbers of businesses that CAN and ARE marketed successfully using the internet.  All your suggestions and many more are real products and services that can be promoted on the net.

One of the points that i was making was that, after making sure that the product or service is of good enough quality to promote or sell - you then need to make sure it suits you.  Because then you are going to be bettet to understand and genuinly promote. 

If on the other hand you choose an opportunity because your friend has made money - but, for example, it is a health product in which you have zero personal interest - your chances of being a success are not great.  And this is area where many people come to grief - even on the most legitimate programmes with worthy products or services.

Take Care

Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: How Do You Choose Your Program or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 5:57:49 PM
Good thing you added: "Just some thoughts - What are yours?"
You may have heard the line, "opinions are as plentiful as arm pits". My list of thoughts won't be lengthy as your post but will attempt to make it useful.

Having signed up with more than one product over the years, my wife & I  are somewhat  experienced in a few products opportunities so we're not dummies. I won't list them but from the experiences and mistakes others have had, I still maintain and agree that caution and due diligence is essential.

Recalling some disgruntled customers of the product I'm associated with, it came to light that they were negligent and did not follow the directions and guidelines on how to use the product as intended and warranted. Most products will not cure or fix a problem in your car or in your body.  Many nutritional and supplement products will perform as promised if conditions fit the parameters of the product.

The presence or absence of auto ship is another criteria I watch for.  Some don't have any flexibilty others allow you to opt out temporarily and return. Others don't have auto ship at all. I also watch for the glorified chain letter types.

I'm satisfied with what I use as a venture and wish anyone all the best of luck in theirs. 



Re: How Do You Choose Your Program or Opportunity?
6/22/2007 6:25:49 PM

Hi Jenny,

Dear angel Lady, thanks for the invite.

Gosh! I saw this somewhere else recently. I think it was apsense. No matter.

It is true what you say, however I cannot for the life of me work out why people should want a job on the internet when they don't want one in the real world.

Surely the whole opportunity of the net is the freedom to start your own business not become a clone member of someone else's?

It has been  said by many that JOB means 'just over broke'.  It is time to plan, develop and promote your own idea at next to no cost.

Why follow when you can lead?

Warmest regards,

Peter (aka The Old Duck.)

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