Hello my friends,
I am going to start a series of topics and post on them,This is a serious topic that is hurting people daily.There are many here at Adlandpro who this is either effecting now or has in the past.
I am going to Empower everyone.
Thank you to those who have had the courage to call me and tell me there stories
Working with Domestic Violence Survivors: Topics Covered
The Cycle of Abuse
Why do we choose to stay in these relationships?
Domestic Violence- Who Is The Abuser Man or Woman?
Types of Abuse
Social abuse
Self-testing will also be included.
What Every Person Can Do To Help End Violence
Prevention of domestic violence
Helping others end violence
Cultural Communication Skills
Laws regarding domestic violence.
Cycle of Violence
Stages for the victim
Stages for the abuser
Explosive stages
Victim's responses
Impacts on children
Victim blaming
Recovery Stories
Kathy Hamilton
253 277 1238
If I do not answer It is either I am on the phone with some one else or just leave me a message I will call you back.