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Eva Gutray

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Re: Come read my Daughters Stories/ Emily is Being interviewed by the Seattle times
6/13/2007 5:25:11 PM
06-14-2007 Tasmania - Australia Hi Friends, Dear Kathy, please tell me or all of us at AdlandPro WHY ? you put up with a abusive man so many years, and produced offspring's in such a environment? As a counsel I will ask you these first. By now I am regarding you for a intelligent person, and the fact that you let your children live in such environment do not sum for me. For everything are two sites as on coins, but I am approving that you find the courage to break and save your daughters souls. It is again proof and example with your young daughter that it do not matter where we live how abused we can be it counts of our inner strength and will power, this is the morals for everyone to achieve what they want or place them self in doom the easy way out with excuses. In the whole we are our masters, and if we need a bit of help then seek the help. Warm Regards Eva
Non for Profit Organization from Tasmania - Australia GLOBAL HARMONY PEOPLE HELP PEOPLE WHERE? AT
Barb Doyle

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Re: Come read my Daughters Stories/ Emily is Being interviewed by the Seattle times
6/13/2007 6:46:03 PM

Hi Kathy,

I went to your blog. That is awesome! Obviously your daughters at least had a positive influence in their life with you. With any circumstance we go through in life we can become bitter or we can become better.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

It's easy to do. It's easy not to do. It's up to you!


Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Come read my Daughters Stories/ Emily is Being interviewed by the Seattle times
6/13/2007 6:56:36 PM
Hello Eva,
Great question, Yes you are correct.I am a very intellegent person Now!!!
But I was not always well, I guess I was but when you live in a cycle of abuse you become brainwashed and programmed to believing things that are not really so.If you look up the definition of abuse or Domestic Violence you will see that fear is the main thing here.
Fear is a funny thing.When someone is told verbally things its very hard to wonder what if???
Any ways it all just becomes a pattern.

You ask why have kids from it, you know sometimes you do not have choices, sex is not about the making love in domestic violence its more like the victims are raped and it just happens. everyone knows that in domestic violence there is no such thing as love its only about power and control.

Even though I have been away free now for 2 years, you would think my abuser would move on  since he got remaried but no he is still thinking he can have some kind of control because one thing every one knows about a abuser is how dare the victim ever leave!!!!

well I think if my abuser is married him and his new wife should happily move on with there life because you can huff and puff but sorry you will never blow my house down!!!!!
I have to many friends on my side that you can not touch or influence no matter what you do and the best friend I have that my abuser and his wife do not have is God in there life. So we must pray very hard for all abusers and victims.

Do not always believe what is told to you- Did you know that abusers get others to do the dirty work so the light doesnt really shine on them, you know it is called a distraction???
Theres things being passed around about me that are not so.Any one who knows me knows my home is always open to every one I would love to visit with you so you can learn the truth.
My kids can enlighten you.
And boy would you be feeling foolish for those who listened to the abuser,
Plan a vacation trip to my home I will pick you up at the airport.

Kathy Hamilton/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Come read my Daughters Stories/ Emily is Being interviewed by the Seattle times
6/13/2007 9:19:32 PM
You speak very well on the subject and it is hard for people to understand the life of another.
That is probably why we are called not to judge. It's hard not to when you care.
Let me tell you, I know that the people who interact every day and know something is wrong in a family-will not speak up or offer support to those being hurt.
So, it can take awhile to develop the courage to do that for yourself and your kids.
Then they come out and have a whole lot to say.
(ps-I'm speaking in general, not in response to anyone's post here)
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Come read my Daughters Stories/ Emily is Being interviewed by the Seattle times
6/13/2007 9:45:34 PM
Hello Joyce,
Thank you,Yes I have much to say about this topic as I lived through it with all 6 of my children.We each have our own story,Our job now since we broke free 2 years ago is strickly to empower others who live in it with it and who grew up in it.
I have had so many of our Adlandpro friends call me so I can be a ear for them going thru it because they know my children and I went thru  it.
We are here for everyone to be a voice because the silent are so terrified of loosing there friends or worse.
If people are truly your friends they will not listen to stories others are trying to convence them of bad against another to shed  the light off them.
It is a very sad day that people need to control others by violence but millions of women. men and children go through it daily.

Thanks,Kathy Hamilton/

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking