(UVME UPDATE) Uvme Games go live on 26 November - yippee!
This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a
member,please go to Description of this group and
get details about this Evolation day or you can
directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting
from 15th July 2007.
click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007
Hi Everybody
It's Robert Phillips here....
On Saturday my upline was invited to attend the uVme Admin Centre in Colwyn Bay (UK) for the "Game Platform Preview Day". They had a fantastic, fun-time testing out the games, playing in teams against each other. We're all buzzing with excitement!
Here's the news you've all been waiting to hear...
Games go live on 26 November - yippee!
Most functionalities will be live from that date (provided the next stage of Beta testing runs smoothly that is) including Associate upgrade (pay,play and earn), one-2-one gaming, running tournaments and the communicator.
This is known as Soft Launch with the main full-function expected live March 2008. Up until that point we'll all be beta-testing the system.
Downline Strategy
Having now had several discussions with our upline and indeed the co-founders of VWD Tom Brodie and Len Fitzgerald it is agreed that to make best use of the Pay-Plan and to maximise incomes from this fantastic opportunity this is what we all need to be doing:-
1. Select your 3 best team members, the people who you know are going to commit. That's all you need - 3 people who are serious with the business. Those 3 people then need to duplicate what you've done, i.e. get 3 people who are committed to building a business.
2. After that's set - concentrate on depth in the team.
3. Help and support others to find their 3 and you'll have the foundation for a massive - and we mean MASSIVE income
Between Nov 26 and the period-end (23 December) we will be able to make placements of our personally sponsored members to achieve the optimum result.
In the words of Tom Brodie, co-founder of Virtual World Direct and the innovator of the uVme concept:
"This (uVme) will be disruptive....... like Facebook and YouTube..... in the networking marketplace."
AND 3 new bonuses were announced!
To hear all about this and launch date you need to listen in to Eric Avery's conference room broadcast tomorrow night, Monday 5th November at 7.00 pm UK time.
The link to the room is:http://virtualworlddirect.e-lectazone.com/tools/dojoinevent.asp?eventid=142326221257 it may not be live until Monday night.
Remember, you cannot access using Firefox, it must be IE.
We have exciting times ahead.
Best wishes
Robert Phillips