The duck story is an excellent illustration. Thank you for posting it.
Here is a prayer that my friend and mentor Guy Garret wrote and shared with me. I thought I might share it with you. I hope that you find it a blessing.
I speak The Law of the Spirit of Life written in Phillipians 3:13 and that Law says
…forgetting (I am to forget) those things which are behind,
and to reach forth
unto those things which are before,…
I refuse to live in the negative past…..I have shut off that past!
My future is not in the past,
it's in what lies ahead, that’s my future.
The past is the enemy’s strategy to daily
remind me of my failings and the failings of others.
The strategy is to try and steal my future by keeping me bound up
in the past…and I will not allow that to happen…in Jesus Name!!!