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Judy Smith

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Re: Photography With A Twist!
10/8/2007 6:54:46 AM

Hi Pauline and John,

Pauline, your poetry is amazing!!!  And, John you are performing some magic with your new lens.  What lens is it you are using for these??

I love John's idea of putting the poems and photos together in a book.  It would be phenominal.    Better think about that - I for one would want a copy!!!

Keep the poems and photos coming.  They bring enjoyment to my days and I am sure others feel the same.


Pauline Raina

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Re: Photography With A Twist!
10/8/2007 9:49:17 AM
Hi John,

Omg !! this forum has really given birth to of good things, first your first picture ' The Tree of Life' got selected to be published, then the gallery came along with the photo contest, and now a book in the making . WOW is all I can say...what next...????? I wonder :-)

Well as long as its all good things, Im sure you do and I to praise God for it all and  look forward to the future in great expectations, and are assured that all will be good and blessed.

So lets work on the prospects of a book....Look out folks this is going to be a BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Much luv and blessings always


Peter Fogel

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Re: Photography With A Twist!
10/8/2007 3:10:13 PM

Hey Pauline & John,

I missed visiting this forum for a few days and look what happened. A book in the making or should I say a book is born. WOW.

John, the pics are truly amazing and your imagination is working overtime. BTW thanks for the pic you dedicated to Pauline and me.

Pauline, your poetry is so to the point and you seem to hit the nail on the head every time.

Keep it up guys, I love it and appreciate your special talents.

All the best & shalom,



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Re: Photography With A Twist!
10/8/2007 3:11:18 PM

Hello Pauline and Judy!  8)


Pauline, I can feel your excitement all the way over here in California!  lol  ;-)

Judy, I took those photos with my Raynox 185 degree fish-eye conversion lens. It does some pretty cool stuff. Here's a picture for you Gals. It's the one Pauline referred to in a earlier post.

Photo Title: "I can't believe my left eye!"

© Copyrighted 2007  John R. Sanchez

"This was taken with my fish-eye conversion lens. It's another photo of a computer screen from about an inch away. Strange how it comes out looking like an eye."

Have a great day Judy and Pauline!  ;-)



Re: Photography With A Twist!
10/8/2007 3:26:01 PM

Hello Kathy, Ana Maria, and Peter!  :-)


Great to have you here!

Thank you for always being so supportive of our work and our forums.

Here's a photo for you three, it's a repeat but it's still worth viewing again:

Photo Title: Bumble Bee

© Copyrighted 2007  John R. Sanchez

"I followed this Bumble Bee from flower to flower till I finally managed to get this shot. Taken at Half Moon Bay, California. I used a Canon 50mm Compact Macro lens with +4 close up filter."

I hope you like it!  ;-)



