Here's my first photo with a poem by Pauline and a Scriptural verse I chose from the Bible.
Folks, click on the photo to see a larger version!
UPDATE!!! (6-25-07):
This photo just got chosen for publication in a book by the title of "Endless Journeys"! It also made it to the next stage in a photo contest! Yeah!!! :-)
God is good! I give Him the thanks!!! :-)
Photo Title: The Tree of Life

© 2007 John R. Sanchez
Now Pauline's Poem:
Barren stands the land around us
But yet we have the tree,
Rooted secure in the rock below
A succour for you and me.
Though all around may wither and die
And rough edges bruise the heel
To those who take shelter under the tree of life
Will sure his blessings feel.
For there it stands for all to take,
Their refuge and delight
In all its power and awesomeness
That’s in the Tree of Life.
© 2007 Pauline Raina
Bible verse:
Genesis 2:9 (Whole Chapter)
And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
We hope you've enjoyed this first post! ;-)
Love and blessings from,
John and Pauline
New Photo:
Titled: A New Day!

© Copyrighted 2007 John R. Sanchez
Click on the image for a more spectacular picture! ;-)
Hello Everyone!!!! 
This has definitely been a great day so far! I just realized I received four Editors Pick awards at the BetterPhoto.Com site!!!

Check it out!!!
Oh Happy Day! 
