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Re: I just got some great news!
6/27/2007 10:30:05 PM

Awesome Peter!  8)


What a cute Puppy!  ;-)

I bet this Puppy is spoiled. lol

Take care Buddy!  :-)




Pauline Raina

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Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/28/2007 2:21:03 PM
Hi Peter,

Just wanted to say what an angel your grand daughter  Ofri is, Im sure everyone adores her.

Thank you  for sharing your pictures, the puppy ones too are so cute. Keep them coming...

Some pictures are bigger than usual. I too couldn't do the zoo pics from Bizzyblogs, just as well I have  my site  at was able to upload it there and then post.

many blessings to you and your :-)

Pauline R
Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/28/2007 10:10:06 PM

Hello Peter!  8)


Hey, some how I missed your pic of your granddaughter. What a cutie!  ;-)

Thanks for sharing them with us.

I hope to take some new ones of my grandson soon so I can post them here.

Take care Buddy!



Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/28/2007 10:32:03 PM

Hello Everyone!  :-)


Here's a photo for the day!

Photo Title: Lake Tahoe In Snow

Dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. James Kinney

© copyrighted 2007 John R. Sanchez

Cool and refreshing, huh!  ;-)




Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/29/2007 10:46:44 AM

Hello Everyone!  :-)


Here's the photo of the day!

Photo Title: Majestic

Dedicated to Judy:

© copyrighted 2007 John R. Sanchez


Have a great weekend Folks!  ;-)

John Sanchez


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From the abundance in your mind come the manifestations in your life... JRS ©


John 13:34 (Whole Chapter)
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:35 (Whole Chapter)
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."


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