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Janet Ravindran

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Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/22/2007 12:47:03 PM
Dear John,your photos are absolutely outstanding and amazing ! I wished I could do this too(may be one day with a better camera I'll try)
Thank you so much for dedicating the "Busy Bee" to me;I'm very honored.And you know what's the funny part?Before even reading to who you dedicated the photos I liked "My Photo" the's a bit scary !
Many Hugs and Blessings,

Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/22/2007 12:53:20 PM

You're welcomed Janet!  :-)


It was my plesure. I'm glad you like it.

Hey, don't worry about how your photos look. This forum is for fun and all photos are appreciated. And besides, what are you talking about? Your photos have been great. You have two precious Angels that make every photo look great.

Have an awesome weekend my friend!  ;-)



Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/22/2007 1:12:17 PM

Hello Everyone!  :-)


Here is the photo of the day:

Photo Title: Looking both ways before crossing!

Dedicated to my funny friend Jenny SJ!


© 2007 John R. Sanchez

Well folks, that's it for today. I had a really busy day and it's already way past my bed time.

Have a great weekend Everyone!

Love ya!  ;-)



Judy Smith

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Re: Photography With A Twist!
6/22/2007 1:29:45 PM

Hi John,

Well, I must say that each time I return to this forum I am even more amazed than the time before with your beautiful photography.  I have to get my camera doing the same magic!!!  I am learning and just bought a new tele lens, that looks like just what I have been wanting to get shots of my back yard bird friends.

Thank you so much for dedicating the beautiful daisy photo to me!!  What an absolutely marvelous idea!!!   You are awesome.

Hugs to you Pauline.

I have to get back to my day job and look forward to my next visit. 

Love ya back!



La Nell !

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Re: Fire!
6/22/2007 9:58:11 PM
Hi John & Pauline, Wow! This forum is fantastic. John, the picture of your grandson, Ulises is so cute. John, did you get this idea from my prayer and healing thread in your religion forum? I love this idea of posting creative pictures and talented Pauline writing her poetry or quoting scripture. Blessings everyone, LaNell

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