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Judy Smith

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Re: Something different
5/14/2007 8:25:40 AM

Hi Bogdan,

The haves and have nots.   We all have wealth.

One of the "richest" people I know retired last year.  To many, she would be considered a "have not".  In my eyes, she is one of the richest people alive.  Her life is rich.  It's filled with love, grandchildren, a wonderful husband and a very modest car.  In dollars and cents, they are getting by on their fixed retirement income.  But when you are around them you can feel the riches of thier world.  She spends her days volunteering at church, visiting the sick shut-ins, reading to her grandchildren.  She isn't going to die with money in the bank, but her account is full to the brim.

She has what she thinks she has , health, wealth and a happy and full life.  She loves God and her family, and gives as much back to others as she possibly can with never a complaint.

OK - I haven't gone wierd on you.  I think that Joe B is right on.  I think that my friend, if she had been endowed with riches beyond belief, would be exactly like she is now and that she would simply have more money to give.  What she DOES have, she shares in every way possible.

"To him that hath, shall more be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away."

Some of us read that parable and think of dollars and cents.  Regardless of whether it is or it isn't, it is up to us to share it with everyone.  Whether it's material wealth or spiritual wealth and joy, it is our duty to share it.  The more we share, the more we will receive in return.  A life of ABUNDANCE  can be perceived in many ways.

Thanks, Bogdan.  Nice chage of the "quote" though I do love them and look forward to them.


Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Something different
5/14/2007 8:53:31 AM

Hi Thomas,

I thought you would show up for this.

In my view the parable applies to anything including love and money.

We always get what we think most of the time. You could say that we get what we pray for.

Most people never have one or the other because this is not what they concentrate on.  This is why those who have, get more as this is their preoccupying thought all the time while those who have not will lose what they have because they have either many small thoughts taking them in opposing directions or are changing their thoughts frequently so they never reach momentum for any of their thoughts.

The other side of this is that most people sabotage themselves in getting where they would like to by believing what they were told all their lives.

E.g. Donad said


The truth is that I have been born in poor family in Eastern Europe. In the village which barely shows on the maps. 15 years ago I have come to Canada with couple of backpacks my wife and two small children with enough money to get us through couple of months. We had no family or friends and barely could speak English.

The business this year should produce $1 million. 
My wife and I control real estate property of value over $1.5 million.

The truth is I never wanted money. Money has never been my objective as I have not every felt I was short of it (I always could find some if I needed it). My objective was to have my own business and something I could be passionate about. The money component is just a bonus. 


Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Something different
5/14/2007 9:39:22 AM

Hello Darryl,

You quoted.

 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

So in the end if you use our talents well, we are rewarded even more by being put in charge of many other things.

Isn't this what happens to us with our jobs? If we do well in one position, we are given more responsibilities and more money with it. If we keep improving we are promoted higher and higher until we can manage entire company.

So since those rules are so obvious, why most people are not applying it to their lives?

Are they afraid of responsibilities?


Joe Downing

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Re: Something different
5/14/2007 10:23:56 AM

Wonderful discussion!

I personally know several wealthy people in finances and life.  What I see in them is a strong focus, faith, fantastic attitudes and they act quickly when opportunity arises... they seem to be prepared for anything at all times.  It seems as though they are listening to the little voice inside that says, "You can do it".  Some even come from poor families.

 In those that are not so wealthy, I see lack of focus,  little faith, terrible attitudes and are almost always hesitant when an opportunity surfaces... not prepared.  The TV and other nonproductive vices seem to be controlling that little voice inside.  They come from both wealthy and poor families.

I think it all boils down to the fact that some people have a strong belief in something that produces the results they expect.  No passionate dream with expecations will provide exactly that... no beneficial results.  Dream big, have faith and do whatever it takes!

My Mom used to always tell us seven kids, "Waste not, want not".  I use to associate this to leaving food on our plates.  Today, I relate it to time, thoughts and action.

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Something different
5/14/2007 1:22:27 PM
Thank you my friend, yes real estate, i remember, i know how that must of felt in someway getting to a new way of living as for me i was always thinking of myself in terms of money , value and pity, always angry at the world, God and Family for a long time, almost to the point of death i tried to leave this world, as a Famious Comedian Rodney Dangerfield would say, (No Respect,) luckly there are people who have a heart thank God, so i was taken in by some great Church members about 8 years ago, The Day i tried to live, a song just popped in my head you might say. If you want something bad enough, you will get it. So i searched in the Word and in the right context as it was handed down from generations ago, am Faithful as you all can read but that same kind of attidude must be applied to everything in your life, focus on one thing at a time, me and my Ojeez community is what im still focust on, but i do have other programs, why? because i like to help others, some fail, some dont, the ones that dont well? im still promoting. As far as the talents go the smarter the investment in one self the better the return. There must be a sincere love in what you do. Bogdan you love what you do and i appretiate how well and far you came along, my rockin' guitar thinking cap goes off to you my friend, Lol. Ever since i've been at this amazing community of yours here at Adlandpro, you yourself have tought me a few lessons on work ethics and i thank you for teaching me, i do enjoy what i have a little more better then before so keep on posting! and more to come i hope? Thanks for your openess my friend.  I hope you enjoyed that Youtube video .
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