Hi Bogdan,
Very interesting responses.
I think it has a lot to do with how we are trained to think. Unfortunately the majority are trained to think in terms of scarcity. We also do a lousy job of teaching people about setting goals, and actions to get us to our goals. And finally we do not believe we can have.
If you can have, then you have. I think that is what your verse means. Most of us "can't have" and there for we don't have. We tell ourselves I can't have that, I can't afford that, etc, and then we can't have that and we can't afford that. Sounds like some horrible riddle doesn't it.
Schools should teach courses on "how to think rich, or how to think "have", but all the nay sayers out there would accuse us of being materialistic I think.
Good question, lots to think about.
Nick Grimshawe