So very true, Leon. That is the society we live in now. We are told it by counselor's and it seems to be polically correct, to be number one and look after yourself first and put everybody else, second. Its just part of end times, to me. Hackers, do cause a lot of problems, on the internet and many of them think, it is a big joke, when they can do, this sort of thing, bring down websites, steal domain names and hack into peoples online accounts. I believe in karma and it eventually works!! You get back in the end, what you give out. I have seen this happen, quite a few times in the last few years and man does it upset some people when they have given out bad things, negative actions and they get it back. Maybe I should not say it, but it is so funny to see the reaction. Seriously though, this hacking is often way beyond a joke, often these people are very intelligent and unfortunately, put the talents, they have to the wrong use. Keith.