Hi Mary,
The story of the well is one of my favorites. I was raised on a farm with a pump like the one in the story. We had to pour water down it in order to prime it, or you could pump all day and never get a drop of water out of it.
Your point, that an "I" society that only looks out for number one can't survive is all too true, and we are seeing the problems with such a society even now in North America, at least.
Individual rights are being given precidence ahead of the community, which is quite backwards and detrimental to society as a whole. The rights of the community MUST outweigh the rights of the individual or else the rights of many individuals will be trampled on!
Just as in the case of the well story, if the person who reads the note drinks the water out of the bucket because it is their "right" to look out for number one, the next person who comes along will go thirsty. How is that right?
Rules are put in place to create order so that everyone has a measure of safety, security and enjoyment. Without them, only the strongest, meanest individuals survive. Is that the kind of society we want to create?
God bless,