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Janet Ravindran

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Re: I Am So MADD (Nick)
6/24/2007 4:13:37 AM
Dear Nick,Mother's Day passed quite some time but I think it is still an important message.I know this story but it still touches my heart and makes me shiver every time I read it and when I think how many Teens or Adults actually have this feeling like the girl in the story every year in the whole world.I had a lot of discussions about this with friends and always get stucked when they reply"Why are you telling me this and than one day a drunk driver ends my life and I never drink and drive?"  But I feel the message needs to be passed thanks Nick for the reminder !

Jo Matthias

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Re: I Am So MADD (Nick)
6/24/2007 9:29:29 AM

Hello Nick,

Catching up isn't the word for it!!!!  I had no computer for almost a month, made me a bit crazy(ier) so as soon as I can get over that, I might get caught up!!!

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Nick Sym

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Re: I Am So MADD (Nick)
6/24/2007 12:59:18 PM

Hello My Dear Janet

If I can post a message like this and it makes one person think about using the car or taking a taxi, then it was well worth the time to put it together - just one person!

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Nick Sym

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Re: I Am So MADD (Nick)
6/24/2007 1:00:51 PM

Hello Jo!

If I had no computer they may as well take me away

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Re: I Am So MADD (Nick)
6/25/2007 10:56:54 PM

Thanks again Nick for using your talent to bring out yet another vice of our world. If only people would listen!. In line with what you are saying, here is a little piece I wrote some time ago. Though on a lighter mood, and not to distract from the gravity of what you are saying, it shows how we all, young or old can be affected by alcohol and good a thing this pal was not driving. Here is the poem:

Two Friends

Two friends having paid their day's due of labor
Went out for an evening of fun
And having tarried a while at the bottles
Settled their tabs and went on their merry way home
But one having walked a nimble or two
Looked back in awe
Hey pal, he mumbled
Do look and see
If I walk on solid earth.

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