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Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/11/2005 7:40:12 PM
That is a good quote Bogdan. It reminds me of one my favorite quotes from the New Testament, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" JOHN
Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/11/2005 7:54:44 PM
Hi all, Well lets see what my grandmother used to tell me.If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it.If all you have to do is complain then don't say it.They also told me it is like a smile it takes more muscles to be ugly and rude then it does to just smile.And my old saying is if someone is talking about me thats ok to because all they are doing is giving someone else a break,and we all know the old saying sticks and stone may break my bones but ugly words can never harm me,and lets not for get this one what goes around comes around so when those people are being ungly and rude it always comes home to them. Thanks Becky.
Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/12/2005 2:11:42 AM
Hello Bogdan, thankyou for inviting me.I have to agree with you although another quote from your e-book has me answering it, “A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.”If you have something you feel is right say it anyway as there is alway's something good that can become of it. I say what I mean,and I mean what I say the lord helps me to keep my big mouth shut until I know what it is that I am talking my very favourite saying. Have a wonderful Day Bogdan and everyone. regards jeffrey OBrien
Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/12/2005 12:22:44 PM
Hi Bogdan, You have done it once again with a great quote. Isn't is interesting that we are all born with two ears and one mouth...I think God is trying to tell us something, LOL! It is better to listen than to speak and make a total fool of oneself. Thanks for reminding us;-).