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Marilyn L Martin

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Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/11/2005 4:57:31 PM
HI Bogdan, Thanks for the invitation to your forum. I really like this quote! I know a few peope that fits his quote..LOL. Have a great day! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/11/2005 5:20:30 PM
Hello Bogdan, hope all is well ,did you recieve the song I sent you,been having trouble sending,let me know,Well another good saying,great job,I better keep my mouth closed from now on maybe,what do you think??????your friend kathy martin
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Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/11/2005 5:37:34 PM
Great Post! Knowing what to say and when to say it depends on the Wisdom of an individual. It is so easy to open the mouth. What does it say, “The Tongue Is Sharper Than Any Two Edged Sword" I'll never forget the times that I removed all doubt. Thanks,
John Schaak
Doris Shewchuk

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Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/11/2005 5:38:15 PM
Hi Bogdan, Thanks for the invite. This quote is very true and very timely (I just came over from another forum here). But I also like the one from DrBob and John. I always try to send something positive out because whatever you send out always returns. It's just as easy to be nice as it is to be nasty. Actually...nasty takes a lot more energy. And... it shows lack of character. The way I see it anyway. Ok, I'll keep my mouth shut like Kathy now. Wishing you abundance, Doris
Our spiritual essence is what carries us through in life and in death. Love is the answer that we all seek and love is the only cure for a planet gone mad. ~~Doris Shewchuk
Re: It is better to keep your mouth closed ...
7/11/2005 7:29:53 PM
LOL! I notice there are none of the long-winded responses on this post that we usually see. I am One who falls victim to the "Alligator mouth, butterfly butt" syndrome myself, so I'll keep it short and sweet as well. but I'm still laughing. We all noticed it, huh? I couldn't help but say something about it. Susan