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Re: An Ugly Secret. Toxic Mold
5/11/2007 8:25:50 PM

Hello Arthur

    This time you have truly missed the boat. Toxic mold is real, very dangerous and has been around for ever. Also, unlike most things promoted on these pages, this information comes from personal experience as well as massive research. I am a victim of toxic mold Arthur and I am very ill.

    Here are just some of my symptoms and keep in mind that I had none of these problems prior to moving into a house that was contaminated with toxic mold.

1. Severe hearing loss.

2. Vertigo- loss of balance, particularly at night. I fall down often when I try to walk.

3. Extreme pain in the eyes and blurred vision.

4. Cluster migraines.

5. Shortness of breath.

6. Chest pain and cramps on light exersion.

7. Severe heart pain on exersion.

8. Profuse sweating, particularly at night.

9. Chronic fatigue.

10. Skin irritation, burning, itching.

11. confusion.

12. memory loss.

13. overall body pain in muscles and joints.

14. swelling of the ankles and occaisionally the hands.

15. cold and flu like symptoms that do not go away.

16. abnormal white cell count in several different areas.

These are just some of my symptoms. There are more. All of these symptoms have been corroborated with other people who have been exposed to toxic mold.

     Certain types of mold are used in the manufacturing of biological weapons.

    Arthur, you are right about a few things like how to avoid getting mold and things that cause it. However, you are dead wrong regarding the potential danger of being exposed to toxic mold. There are many different species of mold and most are harmless and in fact, beneficial. There are other types of mold that will cause severe illness and dissability.

    The threat of toxic mold has been recorded even as far back as biblical times.Part of the following article will point out biblical references to the dangers of mold and the remediation processes used to exterminate it.

   Arthur, I respect your opinions and I have always found you to be very well versed and honest. PLease be careful about down playing the severity of toxic mold. I wouldn't want people mistaking opinion for fact and basing their treatment options on that information.

   Thank you for stopping by Arthur and I hope to see you here again soon.


Mold in Human History

Prev | Next | Volume 1, Number 6

(Originally published as part of "Mold: The Whole Picture, Pt. 1," Abbey Newsletter, v. 23 #4, 1999.)

by Ellen McCrady

The Ergot Epidemic

In her book, Poisons of the Past: Molds, Epidemics, and History, Mary Kilbourne Matossian (a history professor) presents overwhelming evidence that the population of Europe was held down for 500 years by endemic mold-induced food poisoning called ergot or ergotism. Although most sources attribute this long epidemic to fungi in the genus Claviceps, she also gives credit to the genus Fusarium. Both genera infected rye kernels before and after harvest, producing toxic, long-acting alkaloids (e.g., ergotamine).

In northern Europe the poor, who lived on rye bread and little else, were the most affected. Women miscarried and children died frequently. Those who survived childhood had chronic illnesses, gangrene, and mental disturbances. Their hallucinations and seizures were interpreted as witchcraft, possession, or divine inspiration. No one knew that their diet was responsible for their misfortune. Not until wheat and potatoes began to replace rye did the epidemic abate.

Wealthy households were never affected as much as poor households, because their servants prepared the grain as gruel, boiling it over a fire for about a half hour, which broke down the toxin. They also enjoyed a more diverse diet, including meat and white bread.

Ergot was responsible for the low birth rate and high death rate in Europe from perhaps as early as 1250 to 1750. It even provided occasion for the Salem witch trials, because the early settlers of Massachusetts planted rye, ate rye bread, and experienced hallucinations and seizures just as the Europeans did. Even as late as 1945, ergotism was still retarding the population growth of Russia.

As a strong influence on population and quality of life in Europe for half a millenium, mold had a massive effect on the course of history. (Matossian's book is fascinating! You can buy it for $23.90 from Books Now by calling 1-800-266-5766, ext. 1494.)

The Irish Potato Famine

The potato was introduced to northern Europe in the 1700s, and is credited with the quadrupling of Ireland's population between 1740 and 1840, because it could support three or four more people per acre than wheat could. The potato blight, caused by a different mold speies,came in 1845 and returned at intervals thereafter, causing widespread famine and the loss of half Ireland's population by emigration and starvation in a period of 47 years. This time the mold did not sicken people, as the ergot had, but it killed the plants that provided them with food. The result was an Irish diaspora.

Public Health Measures in Biblical Times

The very first mention of mold and mold cleanup is in the Bible: Leviticus, Ch. 13, verses 1-46 (isolation or purification of people with skin diseases); verses 47-59 (mildewed clothing must be burned); and Ch. 14, verses 33-48 (mildew "with greenish or reddish depressions" on the inside wall of a house). The rabbi did inspections and acted as the public health officer.

The mildewed walls were to be remedied, according to Chapter 14, by tearing out the contaminated stones and throwing them into "an unclean place outside the town," then scraping the remaining inside walls and throwing the scrapings in an unclean place. The old stones are replaced with new, the house is replastered and then monitored to see whether the trouble recurs. This is not too different from remediation of moldy buildings, as it is done today. (In previous translations, the rather vague word used for any skin disease was translated as "leprosy." This translation uses "mildew," but the word should not be taken too literally.)

The text can be found on the International Bible Society's web site,

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Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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Arthur Webster

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Re: An Ugly Secret. Toxic Mold
5/12/2007 1:26:57 AM
Hi, Bill,

That is quite a list of symptoms and I do sympayhise with you - because I have had the same symptoms, and more, some of them chronic, for more than thirty five years.

The point I was trying to make is exactly the same point you made mould has been with us for ever and yet here we have screaming headlines designed to instil fear into the most robust psyche.

Just exactly what is 'toxic mould'?
What genus does it belong to?
Why has it suddenly become a problem?
Can you show me any mould that is not toxic if its' spores are inhaled?

It is this demonising of something that has always been there that I find disturbing - especially when it is something that we have all lived with all of our lives. I don't recall any studies of moulds concluding that they were becoming more virulent but I have read hundreds of life-style reports that point out how the way we live nowadays is probably one of the major causes of many preventable diseases. Things like:-

Lack of exercise.
Excessive hygiene.
Excessive sedentary activities (usually cyclops watching).
Consumption of excessively processed food.
Consumption of excessive quantities of food preservatives.
Excessive consumption of artificial food colourings.
Excessive consumption of mechanically recovered meat.
Excessive incorporation into mass produced foods of parts of animals or plants that would normally have been excluded.
Excessive consumption of artificial vitamins.
Excessive inhalation of contaminated air &c &c &c

As an ex military man, Bill, you know that some of the things you experienced could have led to a slow accumulation, in your body, of toxins that you were not told about. You were probably the subject of what almost amounted to clinical trials of drugs if you were posted overseas (or, sometimes, if you were not).

I am not trying to say that there is not a case for mould to answer to, there is, but it isn't something that just happened and it isn't something that is on the epidemic levels some of what I have read in this forum and other web sites would have me believe.

It has always been there!

In the same way, ever since it became the replacement for the horse and ox, so has the internal combustion engine.
Just look at the damage that can do to you if you are unable to escape the fumes it produces from the exhaust and the evaporate from the hot engine casings.

Why not 'toxic engines'? They are, you know.

If this headline had been a little less indiscriminatory in the target it was attacking, I would not feel quite so troubled, but to lump all moulds together with a generic title is no more cynical than grouping all of any particular race or creed - and we all know the panic that can engender!.

Since the two most dangerous moulds to which we expose ourselves are wet and dry rot in our homes, why are you not specifically targeting them? Their spores are being costantly generated and will be in high concentrations in the home, as the lady with rot under her carpet discovered, and it would have been far more meaningful to draw attention to the risks inherent in not treating them.

Alongside those two, you can also put the standard little damp rot that can grow in clothes that are improperly washed and/or put away without being properly dried and aired.

The Old Coot



Donna Zuehl

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Re: An Ugly Secret. Toxic Mold
5/30/2007 8:53:07 PM
Hi Bill,
I am sorry to hear about your health problems. I have heard of others who feel that mold has caused their health problems too. It seems difficult to prove, as those in charge don't want to admit to any liability. For example, a friend of mine has fibromyalgia and other conditions. She has been exposed to mold in the classroom where she teaches. There were some water leaks that ended up promoting mold in the heating system. She feels that a lot of her symptoms are related to the mold.

Another friend who has lots of serious physical symptoms also worked in an area with mold caused by water leaks. She has become disabled and is unable to work.

Arthur Webster

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Re: An Ugly Secret. Toxic Mold
5/31/2007 2:28:16 AM

Hi, Donna,

I am sorry to hear of your friend's incapacity. 

The symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (which are the same thing) are caused by a combination of 4 factors that may lead to a wrong diagnosis: loss of healthful deep sleep patterns, hormone imbalances, opportunistic infections and nutritional deficiencies.

It is unfortunate that many doctors, nowadays, do not have either the time or inclination to really examine the true causes of any illness - it is so much easier to grab an 'off-the -shelf' drug that may or may not relieve some of the symptoms.

It is also unfortunate that, nowadays, illness is embraced as the great excuse for doing little or nothing. 

Throughout my life I have seen people (myself and my parents included) over-come the debilitation of major and crippling illnesses. The current fad for trying to find an instant 'reason' or 'cause' of any debility is relatively recent and is a very worrying aspect of our social disfunctioning.

How long will it be, I wonder, before some enterprising young lady decides to sue the local education authority because they had not warned her of the extreme danger of an attack of broodiness, brought on by being surrounded by other people's children causing her to abandon her family planning regime and become pregnant?

As I said, earlier, to Bill, I have a list of symptoms that simply seems to have no end. I have many chronic conditions. My doctors despair of my total ignorance of their well meant instructions - but - guess what, none of the dire consequences that they have forecast have been any more than yet another episode with which I have coped and, generally, over-come.

One thing that I do know with one hundred per cent certainty - there is no single, simple agency causing my illnesses and to try to find one would be an exercise in absolute futility.

I make no apology for this post. It is my honest opinion that if people spent more time living their lives instead of finding excuses not to enjoy them within the constraints in which they find themselves - they have only themselves to blame.

This may sound harsh but the truth often does.

If I can enjoy my life, indeed, claim to be the happiest man alive - anybody else can enjoy theirs and toxic mould, toxic sugar, toxic air, toxic hair spray, toxic soil, toxic evertything else - be damned!  

The Old Coot

Re: An Ugly Secret. Toxic Mold
5/31/2007 4:42:25 PM

Hello Arthur

   How have you been my friend. I was off line for a bit there. I got behind on my bills a bit and got shut off.

   Anyhow, back to the mold. It does seem a bit odd that only recently, people have become aware of the dangers of mold and we are just beginning to really hear about it. It appears to me to be another plot by the government and the insurance companies to play down something that could cost them a lot of money and careers. Much like the cover up and lies I have discovered in my research on autism. The more I look into this the worse it looks.

   Just like Donna's friend, I too was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was also diagnosed with MS, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, artheritus, rheumatism, IBS, cluster migrains and a host of other illnesses and disorders. Nearly everyone I have spoken with who has had health problems associated with mold have been diagnosed with all of these different ailments and the treatments they received did little of nothing to relieve their symptoms.

   You mentioned that we are exposed to more possible contaminates and at higher levels than we used to be. This is true and it is a very unpredictable aspect of life that is the result. Every time one substance comes in contact with another substance for the first time, there is an entirely new substance formed. It would be impossible to evaluate every possible combination of thing that when combined, could create a toxic substance.

   I guess all I can do is try to learn about the ones that I know can hurt people and share what information I have with others. Some types of mold are very dangerous. Other types are harmless. Unfortunately, some of the most dangerous are the ones that grow right in our homes as the result of such things as leaky roofs and poor plumbing and ventilation. I am gathering some information right now about testing for mycotoxins. There are very few places where this testing is available but where it has been employed in legal cases, it has truly helped the plaintiffs. Mold poisoning can be proven but it is not an easy task getting tested properly. Insurane companies want nothing to do with the liability of the impending lawsuits over toxic mold and it appears that much of the research thus far has been somewhat biased in their favour.

   Arthur, if you get a chance, do a little research about mold litigation in your country and let us know what you find out. I am going to do some research on mold in other countries. I have a feeling that we will see many similarities  but, there will also be some countries that have already moved beyond where we are here in the US.

    Take care Arthur. It was very nice hearing from you. PLease come back soon.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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