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Diana Briere

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/7/2007 1:06:19 AM

I want to offer your mother prayer and hope and a very happy birthday.

I will be praying for a fast and total recovery so  she can back to what she

does best. The Lord be with you, your mother and your father.

                                   586684d0.gif       from Diana

Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/7/2007 2:05:07 AM

Hello James,


I said a prayer for your Mom. I hope all goes well for her. My Mom just had surgery a few weeks ago and she is 74. She is doing find now.

Take care my friend and keep us posted.


John Sanchez

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"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:35 (Whole Chapter)
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Rinna Rani

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/7/2007 4:56:27 AM
Dear James & Mother Myrna,
Hello and hope everything is just amazing and great.

I am soooo sorry for coming here late and wish I had been here sooner.  Anyways, at least I made it so that has to be something.

Anyways, James, this is for your mummy dearest.

Dear Mother Myrna,
I feel like I known you my whole life by calling you that way.  I want to say that I am absolutely amazed & thankful to have come across a person like you.

You are strong and you certainly have an amazing sense of humour.  You are a more positive vibrant excitable woman than I could ever be. 

James is an amazing son.  He has the quality of love that I would love my children to have when I have them in the future.  You must be really proud of him as he has all heart, mind and soul on you right now.

Prayer warrior as James put it..... The Lord above has always been with you every step of the Myrna as he has blessed you with so many wonderful things.... This is just one his test and put your faith in him, as he can work miracles beyond words.

Myrna, life is an amazing gift given by the Lord.  Every moment spent for him and in his presence is actually a blessing that has no return.

You are a strong woman and I know the Lord has plans for you.  I wish you good luck for your undertakings and I just have to say this to James, you are one lucky man to have the most special lady in your life.  I admire you James I truly do.

Love, Rina
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/7/2007 8:00:50 AM
Dear James and Myrna,

I ask God's angels to guide the surgeon and to comfort and support you all throughout this whole experience.

I sometimes suffer great pain in my foot from arthritis (and I'm only 46 years old), but I still can't imagine the pain and suffering you must have in your spine!

God bless you, Mummy Myrna.

Big Angel Cuddles to you.

Sarah Pritchard
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Nick Sym

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/7/2007 11:33:51 AM

Hello James,

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