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Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/6/2007 2:54:56 PM

Hi My Friends,

My mother has been diagnosed as needing surgery in her upper spine. Her vertebrae have compressed to the point where chiropractic therapy will do no good, she also inherited arthritis from her father.

She is going under the knife this coming Wednesday for the first portion and the second portion of it will be on Friday.

My mother is a very sincere christian, and her attitude is positive. She has placed this situation in the Lord's hands, and believes His will shall prevail. At this point she has a 50/50 chance of a full recovery, and the other chance is she could be paralized for the rest of her days. She will be 80 years old on May the 15th.

This is a sincere request for you to remember her in a special prayer meeting if you have one, and also to wish her a happy birthday. She will be overwhelmed with gratitude if and when she sees the response here.

Thank you so much and may God Bless you!


Flag of Carla Carey

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/6/2007 3:42:25 PM
Thanks for letting me know about your request. I will put a thread in my forum going to this one and add her to our list of requests!
God bless !
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Flag of James Wright

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/6/2007 3:57:12 PM

Hi Carla, my mother does not know that I am doing this, so it will be a surprise for her! Thank you so much. I will be here at my parents house until the surgery is over.

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/6/2007 4:00:46 PM

Hello James,

I am more than happy that I can help by asking the Lord to bless your mother's surgeon and team and I know that she is in good hands both here and from The Lord.

I hope that your mother has a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and that her present is not only  a full recovery but that she gains a major relief from her pain.

As a fellow arthritis sufferer I understand the debilitating effect that the pain has on everyday life and I wish her, and pray for her, that she enjoys a long period of painfree and uplifting days.

I pray for you too James and pass this on to my church for their help too.


Flag of James Wright

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Re: Requesting Prayer for my Mother
5/6/2007 4:09:16 PM

Hi Roger, thank you so much my friend. My mother will be able to see these posts, and I will allow her to respond as she sees fit.

My mother had cancer back in 1995, and she had a miraculously complete recovery without the help of chemotherapy and radiation which nearly killed her.

She also has been very active as of late in a new passion she developed since she had cancer and that is artist work. For the past 10 years she has been painting murals on walls in churches, primarily of bible scenes, and she also has appeared on a satellite program called 3ABN where she acted as the mother of Jesus. She has also been active in Childrens Ministries, and recently went to the Ukraine on a special assignment there.

I am needlessly to say, very proud of my mother and her achievements, and it makes me sick to see the way she suffers, yet without complaint.


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