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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
8/20/2007 3:38:01 PM


Perfect and Immortal (user id: 285218) is offline. Last active: 8/20/2007 2:00:21 AM Perfect and Immortal
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Re: BFA Results: July, 2007
Posted: 08-20-2007 01:57 AM
winner can win only once,not twice like J Sanchez. So other members can win too. for Christ [please use 15614 as u referral,ty]

Perfect and Immortal, I completely agree with you. Each person should only be allowed to win once per year, as to make it fair and give others a chance.

BUT, As it is, the same 3-4 people are going to win continually through out the year.

And NOT because their forum is the BEST, but because of WHO they are...

The judges eyes get blurry when judging their friends forums..

This is why I will not allow my forum to be in the nominations at this forum again.

I am just glad to see that others out there realize that this forum needs improved Rules and Fairness..




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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
8/20/2007 3:56:40 PM

Hi Monica,

Good for you girl, tell them how it is as there are just too many arse lickers about!

Best Wishes


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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
8/20/2007 4:35:46 PM

After reading the Rules:

Visual Appeal

How your forum appeals to the eye. Factors considered will be things like use (or overuse) and selection of color, type/font style and size, photos and their quality/placement, readability, and relevance.


How unique is your forum in relation to other forums already out there? Does its idea mimic that of another successful forum? Do other forums mimic yours?  Forums that are unique will gain high marks here. 


Is the information you present laid out in a clear and easily readable manner? Does the flow of information make sense? How easy is it to locate additional resources if necessary? Does the ensuing conversation relate directly to the main topic or does it weave in an out of different unrelated topics?

Owner Interaction/Involvement

Forum owners should be directly involved in the forums nominated. You should be actively encouraging relevant discussion with thought-provoking questions and ideas. At the very least we want to see you as the forum owner taking an active role in your forum's development by making regular posts.


How professional is your forum? Do people come there to discuss your topic in a civilized manner? If conflicts erupt, how effective and diplomatic were you at dealing with such situations? Do you address your posters with respect for their ideas, opinions, and views? Are your posts positive in tone?

I still feel the same, as Georgios, Monica & John P.

I mean, if a person truly reads these rules, there is definetly, somebody somewhere (judge/judges's), who is very very prejudice to certain people

I would say BFA needs some new judges, maybe, new judges nominated each and every month.

But, who am I to say how you run your/Adland/whoever's forum it is.  By the way, who's forum is it?




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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
8/20/2007 4:52:54 PM
Monica, John P & Bj,

Thank you for your posts. Bogdan is on a 2 week holiday and will be back end of this month. From what I now know the judges are changed every month, they are not the same.

About winning more than once. I think that has been solved already, John has declined any further nominations and so will I, even though I have not won even once.

However, Bogdan makes the rules, so we will see what he has to say in this regard when he gets back.

Please remember that there is always room for improvement, and there is no situation that is a 'do or die' one. Be assured that this will be the case, and may I request you all to  please make your point known in the politest possible way,  there is no need for antagonism. This will be much appreciated.

Pauline R
BFA Moderator

Flag of Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
9/14/2007 1:50:13 PM

Hello Everybody,

I just need to address some of the comments in this thread.

Regarding the same person having option to win more than once.
The gaol of the BFA is to motivate our members to produce quality, original and interesting forums.

If one person spends lots of time on community and produces several forums in different topic, why should this person be not allowed to participate every month. The good forum is good one no matter if this comes from the same person or not.

In fact in live certain people always produce best pieces in certain areas. Should they be denied recognition because other people need to be recognized.
Look at sport. Is the fastest runner denied to run again because he/she won last time?

Is the person denied to participate in several sports at the same time?


Regarding judging.

Every month we had one new judge added to the team and one replaced. This month we had two new judges replaced. In addition we have added additional criteria which is most voted forum.

This new criteria has 15% influence on the final mark so the voting can help now as much as 15%.

If your forum was voted as top 5 last month, you need to re-apply next month because the ones which were ahead of you, are becoming winners as we go.
Also judges are changing, thus they might have different look at the forum. Also your forum might improve.

If your forum wasn't in the top 5, you need to start working on it, if you care about being voted as top forum of the month.
Complaining at judges doesn't get anybody anywhere, at least in my world.
Nobody gets paid for it. Even their names are not mentioned.



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