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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
5/3/2007 2:25:30 PM

I commend you for speaking up about this because it was very confusing prior to everyone's post explanations.   Even those who listed  were surprised after the final results were published. 

This was the first go round of a new 'contest' and it should be expected to have some misunderstandings.  I too sensed from the judge's comments that they were not really looking for the 'best' forum, but rather a forum that fit a particular professional appeal.  The flavor will change as the judges change. 

The guidelines are well written now and there shouldn't be any confusion for the next months.  I understand the purpose of this contest now and it will more than likely set a good standard to follow when creating a professional forum.

Bogdan and Michael, I thank you for explaining the issue. 

Georgios, if this were the 'most exciting forum' contest, you would have it cinched at the start as the poll indicated.  And, your concession to the results was also quite admirable:

"Thank you for the comming in to make things clear. I accept the result and the rating as there are criteria to follow."

I hope that your health improves quickly so that this community will again have the pleasure of your presence and friendly interactivities.  Be  well.


Michael, I apologize for replying in the nomination forum.  It seemed necessary considering the circumstances.

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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
5/3/2007 4:25:49 PM
I nominate John Sanshez, Forum as I second Joe Downing's nomination. This will be the next winning forum. Go John
This forum had and has the best contributors as hosts.
Members as Kathy Hamlton, LaNell, Venerina and Pauline.

Feature Of The Week!

Once a week we will feature an active member of AdlandPro who has a positive influence on our community.
Forum Owner: John Sanchez
Forum Link: Feature Of The Week! POTW

Oh Arthur and Joe!
You want to discuss. Well I will not come inn here for a month so I can give you  my explanatiosn
There is no meaning to vote: The votes did not count at all. At least they had no value in the last contest. Therefore I will not vote.
I know about deadlines. April 23rd.

I can count 1 2 3 4 5 Where is my forum? hehe. Was my forum one of 5 that qualified. Well my forum wasn't at 5th place.
I am not disappointed for not winning. I knew that from the beggining. A severe friend n the competion, was told by me that I am nbot going to win.

About the copy past. There was no compeating forum without copy past.
Can you point out one forum? I can't . There have been threads deleted  in some forums for copy past withour having acceptance from the author and there ahave been added copywrite signs after being mentioend. I have evidence for that. And the forums.

Since November last year I have not posted anything witout asking the owner: One of my thread this year named Is given to me by person I dedicated it to and it is from her WebSite. All the other threads made this year are my own Ideas.

Yes I used pictures without Liscence and YouTube video clips where
I am a member.

The mystery forum is was not in the competion here. There I have lots of information that is not mine. Arthur you are Right! The Atlantis theory is not mine. The Philosophy coordiantes are not mine. The legends are not mine, THe Tales are not mine. They are Global heritage belonging to everyone and no one have the right to Copywrite Native Americans, Aristotle, The ancient Greeks, Indians, nor the mythology and legends and the tales which are subject that some people still live with them.

Last Point
I am honoured and very proud for having
the Montain of LOVE and Jill the Winner of the first winning Forum and Topic in AdlandPro as it started in My Mystery-Untold Truth forum long before Jill started it.

Special thanks to Keith Rankin my Aussie friend who sent me the story that later became a SUPER TOPICin Jill's forum. I have not learned to lie.
Here is the Link
or click here

TeamMystery: The underground Empires -TELOS
Posted: 2006-12-17 02:55 PM

There are friends talking about statistics. Here are the statistcs for this above topic. 238 post in less than 50 days. I was deleted at 30th of January and that topic did not survive. I WAS ATTACKED IN MY FORUM some days after so I could not support my forum. I vas blocked for a week and a month later I had to leave after my own choise to leave AdLandPro.  

Jills forum stats

A Journey to the Mountain of Love
Posted: 2007-01-14 08:46 PM

So I am very proud for an idea of mine and Keith's contribution giving you you all to the pleasure to joy 2100 posts 24000 visits. The IDea was mine in my own forum.

Check my Topic above and you will understand seing the members in te team Why that topci had to stop.
Everytime I am to popular something happens so better be out of the  events.
Go Jill you are unbeatable.
You will win the Big Revard in January

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Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
5/3/2007 11:22:41 PM
Hi Georgios,

I know you are disappointed, but your last post leaves me a little confused.

My forum Attitude is Everything with 123 threads and 3384 posts is the forum that won the award.

The Journey to a Mountain of Love is only one thread of this forum.  This thread is based on my own web site The Mountain of Love.....A Spiritual Journey.   Telos is only a small part of this web site, it has never been the focal point.

The focal point is about LOVE as Mt. Shasta is a sacred mountain that attracts worldwide pilgrimages and is known as a portal of the Christed energies.

Keith and I would have still been keeping your forum going, but it was taken down when you left Adland.

You may also recall emailing me saying that you and I were coming from two different perspectives.

Anyway, I just wanted to clarify this for our readers, and I very much enjoyed being active in your forum when it was alive.

Onward and upward..........your forums are great!  Keep up the awesome work.

Cheers, Jill
Re: Best Forum Award Nomination: May 2007
5/4/2007 10:52:52 AM

Hi Joe:

Thanks for your post here and it's no problem posting in the nominees forum.  We decided that there should be a dedicated thread for this topic so we moved all related discussion into here. 

You are correct that with the first round of most anything, misunderstandings are bound to occurr.  I've taken every measure I could think of and then some in order to keep confusion to a minimum but as you say, misunderstandings do occur.  I appreciate your patience and understanding. 

The BFA Policies and Procedures page has been revamped to be a little clearer in terms of how the contest is judged and the process that people will follow as contestants, nominees, top 5'ers, and winners.

I'm looking forward to the May round being much smoother and even more exciting.  By the way, thanks for renominating your forum and good luck!



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Re: BFA Rules and Policies Guideline Discussion
5/4/2007 11:00:37 AM

Hi Micheal,

As far as I am concerned justice was done and the winners rightfully deserved to win.

The only reason there has been dissension with some comments bordering on the childish is because of the members being allowed to cast a vote.

The original notice never mentioned members voting It said clearly that judging would be done by a team of un named people.

This is the ONLY fair way to prevent the common ( and unacceptable ) practice of vote manipulation that goes on in the awards given here in Adland.

You may feel this is a harsh comment but what else do you call it when there are people that activly go all out to have everyone vote for the person THEY want to win, and in the case of the BFA, irrelevant of if the forum meets the criterior required or not to be even entered.

Today is the start of a new year for me and I have been sitting on my hands for the last couple of weeks to prevent myself from posting but enough is enough and I know I am not the only one that has had enough of it. I only hope more will now speak out.

Am I going to endear my self to certain members? No but then again those members really don't give a rats rear about anyone else but them selves anyway so I couldn't care less. Yes I will be attacked again and I am sure people will be "activly encouraged" to remove me from their friends list, but its time members opened their eyes to what has been going on for some time and to clean up Adlandpro and get it back on track.


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