Here is everything you need to know to self-publish your book without borrowing money or taking on partners. Dozens of self-published authors have already become multi-millionaires offering their book(s) by mail nationwide. Mark Haroldsen, sold over half-a-million of his Wealth Formula book at $10.00 each. Allan Wallace's 200-mile-per-gallon Carburetor Book sold nearly a million copies at $5.95, yet his cost per copy was as low as 11 cents. Joe Karbo, Mike DiBiano, Jerry Buchannan, Robert Collier, Edmund Shaftesbury, Ted Nicholas, Melvin Powers, and hundreds of others have experienced equal success.
Dr. Dän Lee Dimke, the author of Publishing Prosperity, has written nearly one hundred other printed and recorded works, many self-published. So, when he shares with you exactly how it's done, you can be assured that he knows what he's talking about.