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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Imitation may not be flattery
5/1/2007 6:19:52 AM

Hi David,

I can truthfully say, that you would be someone I would like to imitate.  I think we have a common friend whom we are asked to imitate in our behavior while here on earth.


What we are seeking  is to imitate good behavior, that which uplifts and encourages.  We cannot let ourselves be swayed by those we mis-behave because we consider them to have successful marketers. 

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Imitation may not be flattery
5/1/2007 6:33:42 AM


You example of music is great.  I also think of T.V. programs.   I remember when the first cowboy shows came on.  It was great but then everyone began to put cowboy movies on and that spread the audience thin as all shows were now cowboys.

"Dallas" was a great show, couldn't wait til it came on.  Again, the audience was pulled away to too many "Dallas-look alikes".

Here in Adlandpro, someone will hit upon a good key word and get lots of hits from the internet.  Now more and more people will use that word.  It gets so over used it waters down the hits.

We actually had google ratings destroyed by one of our marketers who totaly relys upon the business in the home,  when a key word was stolen and plastered all over Adlandpro.  Now the ratings of this home cottage business gets lowered. 

Imitating by choosing keywords of a successful person may destroy someone else's business? 



Leon Horton

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Re: Imitation may not be flattery
5/1/2007 7:42:04 AM
Hi Mary,

I'm sorry if you mistook my humor in the post I made.  It is so easy for the written word to be misinterpreted... like my misinterpretation of your serious subject matter.

Please forgive my foolishness and delete the post if you feel the need.

Peace and Joy,
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Imitation may not be flattery
5/1/2007 11:25:53 AM


I did have to read it a couple of times.  But then there you go apologizing when you don't need to.  That is one practice you need not indulge in.

You are always a gracious and kind person.  I will always remember how you helped me which is why I was more than willing to imitate your business practices.

Terry Gorley

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Re: Imitation may not be flattery
5/1/2007 2:46:39 PM

Thank you for your response to me regarding postive thinking, Mary.

There is enough negativity in the world.  We don't need it here at ALP too.  If I can be a positive influence then I'm happy.

You are right too, that dealing with spam is time consuming and takes time away from more productive activities which would lead to more free time as well.




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