PHOTO: OSHA Failed to Protect WA State Nurse, Konnie Compagna
Mexican Trucks: Congress Sends Bill to White House that Includes Requirements for Safety and Fairness
Murray Examines OSHA's Failures Under Bush Administration at Senate Hearing
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"I join with all Americans in expressing my shock, dismay, and heartache at the tragic events that unfolded on the campus of Virginia Tech. The families of the victims of this senseless act will never be the same, and as they mourn the lives of their loved ones, we mourn with them. They will long be in our thoughts and in our prayers."
- Senator Patty Murray
Iraq: Murray Speaks Out Against the Surge
On February 6, in a passionate speech on the Senate floor, Senator Murray called on Republicans to stop blocking debate on the President's misguided plan to escalate the War in Iraq. Murray said she will vote for a bipartisan resolution expressing opposition to the President's surge as the first step in changing direction in Iraq. Recalling her 2002 speech against authorizing the war in Iraq, Murray spoke of the tremendous sacrifices Washington state families have made during the war.



Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., has led the Wild Sky efforts in the Senate. "I remain completely optimistic that I will be standing there in Wild Sky for a signing ceremony," this summer, she said."
- The Columbian - April 20, 2007
Bill calls for all vets to get VA care
Murray said the Bush administration cut off enrollment for new Priority 8 veterans in the face of budgetary problems and growing backlogs for patients when there were other options. “Instead of confronting the VA’s shortfall head on by asking for the resources necessary to address them, this administration cut off care to veterans of modest means,” she said.
- Army Times - April 19, 2007
"Each day we get terrible reminders that domestic violence does not stay at home," Murray said.
Murray used the hearing to introduce a bill that would require employers to grant unpaid leave to employees seeking legal protection from abusers. It also would make domestic-violence victims eligible for unemployment benefits if they quit their jobs to get away from abusers.
- The Seattle Times - April 18, 2007
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