Hi Kathy
Please send my prayers along with your son. Tell him that we are all proud of what he is doing and we wish him a safe return home.
With regard to the equipment shortage, this has been the case from day one. In all honesty, the safety and welfare of our trops has been very low on the priority list of this administration. This is exactly what the Democrats are trying to get Bush to commit to right now with the spending bill. If he must have his war, he should at least do all he can to protect those who are fighting it. Write to your representatives and tell them what our soldiers need. If you need addresses or any other informatiuon about how to contact them, just PM me and I will give you everything you need.
Did you know that there is a web site where you can set up petitions and send people to the site to sign them.
Then you can collect them or have them sent to a specific email address.