Demand body armor for our troops in Iraq
Bush Administration has not provided our troops with the body armor
they need to protect themselves. It's been over three years, and now
hundreds of thousands of brave American service men and women have
risked their lives in Iraq -- with many paying the ultimate price.
An internal government report recently obtained by the New York Times
and published in an article this past weekend confirms that "80 percent
of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper
body could have survived if they had had extra body armor." The Times
report continued, noting that "such armor has been available since
2003," but the Pentagon declined to supply it to the troops despite
"calls from the field for additional protection."
This is unconscionable. This is incompetent. This is neglecting our soldiers' needs in war. It is time for Congress to act.
Co-sign my letter to Senate Armed Services
Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) and Ranking Member John Warner (R-VA),
urging a full investigation into the welfare and safety of our troops
in Iraq!

Full Petition Text:
Dear Chairman Levin and Senator Warner,
For almost three
years now, tens of thousands of brave American service men and women
have risked their lives in Iraq. And still, the Bush Administration has
not provided our troops with the body armor they need to protect
As you know, an internal government report recently
obtained by the New York Times and published in an article this past
weekend confirms that "80 percent of the marines who have been killed
in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had
had extra body armor."
The Times report continued, noting that
"such armor has been available since 2003," but the Pentagon declined
to supply it to the troops despite "calls from the field for additional
More than 1700 American troops have died during
combat. And according to the Times analysis, as many as 300 deaths
could have been prevented if our soldiers were equipped with the right
kind of body armor -- armor that costs as little as $260 per set.
the Bush Administration can spend hundreds of billions of dollars on
high-tech weapons systems, surely they can spare a few hundred dollars
per soldier to equip our troops with the body armor they need to stay
Clearly, Congressional investigation is warranted. Many serious questions demand real answers:
* When were the needs for additional protection first expressed? * Who knew what and when? * Why weren't necessary steps taken to protect our soldiers?
American people deserve no less than full accountability and assurances
that going forward our troops will not face unnecessary risks or danger
caused by lack of resources, oversight, or commitment from Washington.
urge you to hold immediate hearings into the Bush Administration's
appalling disregard for the welfare of American troops on the ground in
Signed by: [Your name] [Your address]