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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 10:18:15 PM

Believe it or not, the song that's been my favorite since I was 14 year old has been "To Sir, With Love."  Some of my "newer" favorites are "Wind Beneath My Wings," "He Didn't Have To Be," and "Chain of Love."

And, lest we forget, "Have You Forgotten?" ... "Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning?" ... and "American Soldier."  The "American Soldier" music video, especially, sends chills up and down my spine because everyone in my family ... my father, my 3 brothers, and I ... wore the uniform to help protect this beautiful country of ours.  We always believed that it was better to die fighting for freedom than to live without it.  "To those who fight for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know."

If only they taught today what we learned long ago:  "Give me liberty or give me death!"  and  "I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country."

You wanted me to express my feelings?  There you have them!

Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 10:34:16 PM
Hi James,

Thank you for inviting me to your  forum.

Like you I love music and would be hard pressed to pick just one. I
listen to all kinds of music and love to "sing along" too.

I have a great place to get music and if you would like to check it out
you can listen to your own favorite.


Judy Haines

Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 11:40:41 PM
Hi James :), thanks for the invite, I really do love a big variety of music!  from classical to rock with lots in the middle, lol. But maybe I love Rock the best and again so so many bands to pick from! So I will choose this song by Pearl Jam "Alive"
Have A Great Day :)
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/22/2007 2:06:14 AM

Hi Jim,

What more can you say.

Some words are just so right and stir your innermost corners. Great song and  choice understood

I expect more goodies as the choices here are variedand great.


Geketa Holman

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/22/2007 9:59:06 AM

Hey James,

Great idea for a forum thread . I have a vast amount of favorites, but here is one on my  top 10 list !




Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one