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James Wright

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 8:26:16 PM

Ok, here is one of my favorites with the lyrics:

Beneath the Cross of Jesus

James Wright

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 8:31:44 PM

Let's try this again, it didn't work out right:

When you click on the link go to Piano Styling 1 and click on this: dh303pa.mid

Beneath the Cross of Jesus

Here are the lyrics:

Beneath the cross of Jesus
I fain would take my stand,
the shadow of a mighty rock
within a weary land;
a home within the wilderness,
a rest upon the way,
from the burning of the noontide heat,
and the burden of the day.

Upon that cross of Jesus
mine eye at times can see
the very dying form of One
who suffered there for me;
and from my stricken heart with tears
two wonders I confess:
the wonders of redeeming love
and my unworthiness.

I take, O cross, thy shadow
for my abiding place;
I ask no other sunshine than
the sunshine of his face;
content to let the world go by,
to know no gain nor loss,
my sinful self my only shame,
my glory all the cross.

Steven Suchar

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 8:58:06 PM
Hi Jim!
Thank You for inviting me into your forum...excellent topic!!
My musical tastes are all over the board and I can honestly say that I don't have a favorite...there are too many that I really really like.

Visit Kathleen VanBeekom's WHAMMY Forum & Browse The Musical Threads

Have a pleasant day...Steven.
Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 9:11:13 PM


I have several worldy songs that I like that I could post, but they do not mean that much to me.

There are two Godly songs well maybe three that I can listen to the brings tears to my eyes each and every time I hear them.

When I was a child I lived in the State of OR and where we lived there were vine maples, fern, moss, and creeks.  In some areas it was like being in a special garden that was created just for me.  I was not a christian at the time, but God used these scenes in a way to prepare me to be called out of the world.

When I heare In the Garden, it always reminds me that even as a child God was with me, but little did I know what he had prepared for me.

Also there were mountains that we would climb or drive to the top of where you could look out over the forest that seemed to go on for ever.  This was before they started clear cutting all the trees on the mountains.  Most every bend in the road had a spring coming out of the hills.  Before the polution you could look up in the heaven at night and feel that you could pick the stars out of the sky. 

When I hear the song How Great Tho Art, I am reminded of these times.

I am not going into detail, but as a child I was very vile and I did not think that I would ever become good enough to reach God, or if He would ever accept me if I did happen to reach Him.

When I was called out of the world and made the decision to ask Jesus into my life to be my Lord and Master the song Amazing Grace became real to me.

You see I was not seeking God, but he was seeking me and all of the experiences of my childhood were placed there so I would come to the realization that I needed God.

It is by His Grace that we are saved, and not by our works.

When a person says "I found God" they don't realize that He was never lost, and He knew where they were all of the time!


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Jean Marie

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Re: Please Share Your Favorite Song!
4/21/2007 9:17:55 PM

Hi James!

What a great forum!  One of my favorite songs is "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe.  I have it on my MP3 player for when I'm walking or at the gym. This past year saw a lot of those people close to my heart leave this earthly existence, and this song has brought me much comfort and joy. Folks may CLICK HERE to listen to the track.

There was once a gentle giant named Art "Poppa" Lanum who graced this earth with his presence.  He succumbed to cancer related to Agent Orange and his service in southeast Asia this past year. His favorite song, which he made us promise to play at his memorial service was "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw. This song also has special meaning for me, and helps to encourage me to live every day to its fullest, and every time I hear it, I know Poppa is with me once again.  Folks may listen to it by CLICKING HERE.

And finally, Shania Twain's "From This Moment" is very special for me & my wonderful husband, Don. We chose it for our wedding song, because it truly represents the way we feel about each other, back then, now and always. CLICK HERE to listen to this one.

I know you only asked for a single favorite, but I couldn't choose between these three!  Music is such a wonderful part of life...  I think I may just continue on life's jorney with a song in my heart!

Here's wishing beautiful music in everyone's life!

Take care, my friends,


JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"